The Village ShopRite App – worth its weight in gold!

I received such incredible feedback from people about the new Village Food Garden at ShopRite. (remember that article? Here it is if you didn’t read it! SHOPRITE ARTICLE) I wanted to share my newest finding!!! When I was in there last, I noticed a sign that announced ShopRite in Livingston had launched an app specifically for their store. I decided to call ShopRite myself to get the lowdown. First of all, I had no idea that the ShopRite in Livingston is a “Village Super Market”. Meaning that it’s a cooperative originally owned by Nick and Perry Sumas in 1937. The Sumas brothers joined Wakefern 10 years later and became one of the coooperative’s first members. The Sumas family grew as well as the Village ShopRite business. Today there are 29 “Village Super Market’s”, they include Livingston, Millburn, Chatham, Springfield, Morris Plains as well as 24 others. Okay now that you have the background, here is the scoop on the APP. First of all download it. It’s FREE! VILLAGE SUPER MARKET APP
It looks like this:
Now for the good stuff! Let’s go over the menu:
You can see by the menu Village ShopRite went over and above in trying to create a great mobile app experience while making sure its easy and convenient to use. However, I am sure you are looking at the menu wondering what each thing does, So let’s discuss it one by one!
This nifty feature is the ultimate express lane! It is like my dream come true at the market. You literally click on the shopping cart when you go into this feature and you can search for items (i.e. milk). You add it to your list and when you are finished you press the “CHECKOUT” button. You input your name, time and phone number (or email address) and your order will be ready to be picked up at the time you chose. Personally for me this is a great feature because I cannot tell you HOW MANY TIMES I have gotten home and realized I forgot to buy something (paper plates or trash bags). I then had to drive back to the store and deal with the whole checkout process again. This feature allows you to purchase something you forgot, lets you park in a special place:
and a personal shopper will come out to your car and deliver your shopping cart items. How redic is that?! What makes it even better? You can order salads and sandwiches from Blueprint Subs & Salads. The thought of calling in my lunch and having it delivered to my car is priceless!
I have to tell you, there is NOTHING I hate more than standing in the deli line. There is always 100 people ahead of me and I am constantly thinking I could do an entire food shop and it still won’t be my turn! Well someone heard me…Hallelujah! Click on “Deli Order”, type in what you are looking for, like for example cheese. It will give you a menu of a bunch of cheeses. I happen to like Land O Lakes White. So I click on Land O Lakes White and it asks me “How much do you like? I always get a 1 lb. How would you like this sliced? Can you believe it asks you that?? BRILLIANT!! THIN PLEASE THIN! How would you like this packaged? Um… Stacked, Shingled or Paper Separated? STACKED PLEASE! Amazing, simply amazing. Oh how technology has changed. When you are finished with your deli order, checkout and enter pick up time, name and number again. You can pick up your deli here:
My Lists
I admit it. I am the worst list writer ever. The only thing I really make lists of are thoughts for blog articles and book recommendations. I swear that is it. It is terrible. It explains why I always forget something at the market and why I always forget to do the ONE errand my husband asks me for the day. ALWAYS. He has bought me 20 different gadgets to write notes in and I have yet to use any of them except for my Iphone. I decided to check out the My Lists on this App. Well I can say this, it does something that I have never seen before. You click on “My Lists”, enter a new list name and there you can create your list. You type in what you need, example apples (see below):
Do you see what I see?? It tells you what AISLE everything you need is on!!! I mean this seriously changes my time spent going up and down each aisle 20,00 times looking for applesauce. Again, priceless!
This feature I will use often because I am huge produce person. If I subscribe to the “Fresh Produce” Category, it will give me updates from local farmers on crops they’re growing for ShopRite! There are so a lot of other categories like:
You just click on what you are interested in learning more about and you will see daily tips and info on the customized categories you chose. Pretty great!
Shop – Ons
Who doesn’t like a deal??!!! Click on Shop – Ons and you have a current deal in the ShopRite of Livingston! Today there is $1 off Fresh Star Fruit (must buy 2). There is also a tab on Future deals where you can see promotions ShopRite will be offering next week.
Need to speak to a manager? Enter your message and select if you want your reply from a manager on the phone or email! So clever those Village ShopRite peeps!
Ask The Expert
Have a question for the ShopRite Baker, Dietitan, Fishmonger, Greengrocer, Party & Event Planner, Roadside Pickup Valet, Florist, Charcuterie (not sure what that is, lol), Culinary Director, General Store Manager, or the OWNER? Enter your message and ask away! They will get back to you via phone or email depending on what you select.
Store Info
Need hours, Village Food Garden Pizza Delivery, Pharmacy info etc. It is all there, just click on the Store Info button.
What I love about this app besides that it is free AND it is so easy to you use. IT SAVES ME HOURS OF TIME!!! Anything that can help make my day a little easier is worth its weight in gold!
You MUST download this app!
You can do that right here VILLAGE SUPER MARKET APP
How many apps do you have that you don’t use? This is one that you will def keep!!
After my very long conversation with Village ShopRite, I asked them if they would partner with me this summer and give out a few $50 gift cards to their loyal customers. They were more than happy to and I thought the best way to give out the first one was to do an actual ShopRite Quiz. I will announce on Friday what day I will post it next week. This will give you a chance to win $50 worth of groceries for free!! In order to be eligible though you MUST subscribe to my blog. There is a little box on the right side of this page to do that.
I am so excited for you to start using this app. I welcome all your feedback and can’t wait to launch the quiz next week!
Happy 4th!!

one of my favorite pieces yet…. i may even consider doing the shoprite thing, before i leave your house on thursdays… the shoprite in englewood could really use this kind of help! great piece, and i bet this brings in terrific additional revinue for the store… forward thinking owners for certain…esp helpful for a mom who works/has kids/carpools etc or an older person (getting a little help from a younger person to show them how to use the apps).
[…] visiting day!! Best story wins a $50 gift card to ShopRite. By the way, I hope you downloaded the Shoprite app! It’s awesome […]