The Camp Trunk

I will be the first one to tell you I have never packed a camp trunk. My mother always did it and I have no idea if there is a correct way to pack it. I do not know if someone told her what to do, etc. But this is my first time, it’s being picked up in two days and I keep looking at all the crap in piles on my basement floor. I have been to Target, not kidding, 20 times. Every time I go, I realize I forgot something. Like today I need to go back and get the Disposable Camera, the night-light and the T-Shirts he sleeps in because the other 2 Targets are sold out. I have been living and sleeping “the camp trunk”. I woke up in the middle of the night last night to realize I frigging forgot to buy boxers. My kid sleeps in underwear but I am told he will sleep in boxers at camp. Will he? I guess we will see. Truthfully I can’t imagine him walking around at night in those tight boxer briefs. I hope he wears the boxers that I know will come home unopened. But I have one shot to send it right. The other thing I have learned through this packing process is the “Ziploc Bag” packing technique. I am still on the fence about this. I believe I was at lunch with some friends who were discussing packing for camp and they brought up Ziploc bags. “Huh”? I said. “What are you girls talking about??? You pack your stuff in Ziploc bags? Don’t we put the stuff in a duffel?” I seriously felt like a hermit. I missed the memo on this. “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????? ZIPLOC WHAT?” Please explain now!
So this is the deal, ready?
To be most the most organized, conserve space and feel secure your child’s belongings will not move around, you pack in Ziplock of course. They make all sizes for this methodology.
For Clothing:
For towels and sheets:
So I started calling around asking people if they were packing in Ziploc. Seems as though this town packs in Ziploc. I have one question though, IF I buy all these Ziploc bags and send everything packed nice and neat in these bags, Are all those items going to be returned the same way I sent them? Like are the counselors going to put all the stuff back in Ziploc? I mean I understand if my trunk is being shipped under water and there is fear of all my kids belongings getting soaked but I am pretty sure the duffel will do justice, right? Is this going on everywhere in the U.S? Does everyone pack in Ziploc and I have been living under a rock? Do tell!
I have one other issue with this whole camp packing situation. “The Camp Gift”. Numerous people have told me to send a gift in my son’s bag so when he gets to camp he has something from me. Really? Yeah, he has something from me. He has 7 weeks away in Maine, with 100 other boys, without parents, playing sports, running free, eating what he wants, playing what he wants, in the most beautiful place in the country. I think that is the nicest gift ever and there is not a shot I will be sending a “gift” in the trunk. He won’t feel bad because I have explained to him how lucky he is that he is going and how I wish I was going with him. Since I am not going with him, that is a gift as well!
Last rant – I really wanted a girl. REALLY REALLY REALLY. I LIVE for my boys. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me (besides my husband, of course). But when we were debating going for the third, I said it had to be a girl. I did not want to have 3 boys. As I have grown to see my friends with girls, I realize it is not as easy as it looks. I would still take a girl any day BUT I do think the packing for boys is MUCH easier than for girls. Let’s take for example this new rage. “The Rainbow Loom Rage”.
These little bracelets are the hit of camp this summer. You cannot be the girl who goes to camp without these. The issue is that they are sold out everywhere. The stores here have waiting lists, has them in stock but will have you have them in time for when your trunk leaves? I don’t know. The ladies are having a field day. Boys need sports equipment. Girls need lock boxes, pony tail holders, rainbow loom bracelets and who knows what else! (I do not). So as I complain about the packing, maybe having a boy in these times makes it somewhat easier and maybe a tiny bit less stressful. I will add as I am still contemplating the Ziploc Bag thing, I know the clothes will get there one way or another. My mother packed without Ziploc and my stuff always made it to camp and back.

OK, so is this rhetorical or do you really want help/ answers?
Feedback please!
OK, as far as ziplocks go they are great for small items to help keep him organized in his cubby ex: underwear, socks, bathing suits. Packing towels, sheets, etc in ziplocks in totally unnecessary, and will be thrown away.
Bunk gifts really depend on your camps culture. I would suggest asking your Director what they recommend. Personally I am not a fan of them, camp IS a gift in and of itself. That being said if you do send stuff up make it something they can share as a bunk ex: madlibs.
If I can be of any other help lmk 🙂
FYI I am the mother of 2 campers going on their 7th year and my full time job is the Assistant Director of Camp Lindenmere
For organization on the small camp shelves I love the clear 6qt. shoe boxes (Target) for placing socks and underwear in – and it is something that comes back year after year and wont be thrown out! Also for under the bed for shoes or small sports stuff (balls, baseball gloves, etc) a collapsible crate (Denny’s or Bed Bath and Beyond) is great.
I’m not only pack my two children but my husband and myself because we both work at the camp my kids attend. the giant Ziploc bags are so not necessary the only thing I would recommend putting in Ziploc bags is stuff like shampoo, bug spray, sunscreen, stuff that you don’t want to you open up, or break, or get all over the clothes, but otherwise I don’t get Ziploc thing at all. From someone who went to camp my whole life and now works at one I think the gift is definitely overrated, not needed, and you are absolutely correct in thinking your kid should just appreciate knowing how lucky they are to be at camp, that’s what I teach my kids, that being said, I think in my son’s trunk I put a few extra Archie comics and in my daughter’s trunk I put a few things of duct tape not necessarily as a gift, I just forgot to tell them it’s in there, but sure, let them think it’s a gift. Sending kifs to camp is so great, best gift ever, enjoy your summer
My Camp actually tells you not to pack with in ziplocks they think it is annoying when unpacking and it NEVER comes back that way! Actually sometimes your crap even comes back WET!!!
The stores like learning express in Florida have plenty if the rainbow loom and the extra bands – yep you’ll need to buy other colors! If you think the whole camp gift is bad, wait until you get to visiting day! Forget it! I’m a first year packer too of a girl (which definitely is more difficult) and loved this article!! Sums up my feelings, too!!!
So helpful both post and comments. My son goes to istc and loves it but is interested in going the whole summer. He is 11 and I need to find a camp in New England that would welcome a new kid. If you have any suggestions, please send them my way. I need to visit this summer.
I can definitely help you find a sleep away camp that meets your specific requirements Dana.
If you or a friend are considering Sleep Away Camp for 2014, this Summer is the time to tour. I work for a FREE sleep away camp referral service and can help you find the right camp for your child – I tour the camps and will give you objective thoughts without getting overwhelmed! Email me with your thoughts – [email protected]
Karen Alford
You must work for Arlene, I love her!
Tell her Dani from Lindenmere says hi!
Loved this article about the zip locs. Totally related to it, but i did not fall for the peer pressure and left 99% of his stuff zip lock free in the trunks!
Lol me too Debbi!
I didn’t know about bunk gifts!! I sent some notes in their bags. Their gift is the fortune I’m paying so they can go! I use ziplock for sheets and towels. That’s where I store them once washed and then reload into their duffels. I put undies in one and socks in another and the rest are free in the bags! A lot of people here pack collapsible bins so kids can put their stuff in bins on the shelf???
In reply to Dana: look into camp Wah-née in Torrington ct. My kids are in their 9th and 11th year there (older one is a counselor). They’re very good integrating new kids; in fact, they even make sure that their beds are placed next to kids they can “count on” to make the new kid feel welcome 🙂
We pack in a trunk and duffle. Send toiletries in a ziploc and that’s it. Everything made it home for the first time in 4 years this year and it’s 13.
[…] I need to stock up NOW on those special Ziplock bags from Shoprite that I used last year to pack some of Zach’s camp gear? Last year was a nightmare. Shoprite […]
[…] think it is brain surgery. Last year, it was Zach’s first summer. I wrote about packing, remember? Since then I began writing a book. In one of the chapters, I give a full, detailed tutorial on how […]
I’m a counselor at a 7 week sleep away camp; I just found your blog and think it is hilarious and amazing!
This will be my 4th summer as a counselor, and let me tell you I’ve packed and unpacked my fair share of trunks…I’m talking like, close to 75, maybe even more….From a counselor perspective, I can tell you that I actually love when parents send the trunks packed with zip locks. Everything stays organized, and can easily be put away, little to no refolding is necessary! When the role is reversed though, as counselors we don’t necessarily have the time to pack each trunk as well as they came to us. We try to pack as neatly as possible, but packing 10+ children (2 trunks each) in one day….well I’m sure you can imagine the chaos.
I also loved that you mentioned Rainbow looms! Every summer there is a new fad, and its almost always some crazy new bracelet! I’ve seen, “Braces bracelets”, Then “Zipper Bracelets”, and then “Rainbow Looms” (even the boys at my camp had rainbow looms!) I can’t wait to see the what the new thing will be this summer!
I’ll definitely keep following your blog and I hope your son has an amazing time at camp this summer!