It’s 3am – November 15th, 2014

It is 2:48am. The house is pitch quiet. Once again I have to pee but I am scared to get out of bed because if I wake the dog all hell breaks loose.
These are my thoughts:
1. I know I should not say this out loud because it is definitely going to come back and bite me in the ass but I have not heard the word Ebola in a week (except that Craig Spencer is Ebola free).
2. Last night was the first time I witnessed a full-out sweater fight on Instagram . The drama. If you are not on Instagram you are missing out girls! (somebody posted a sweater, people hated it and shit hit the fan).
3. So I started watching this show that I have fully become obsessed with called Transparent. Thank you JS for the recommendation. I watched 3 episodes in a row (they are only 1/2 hour) and it is so well done. In every way. Basically it is about a Los Angeles family and their lives following the discovery that father Mort (Jeffrey Tambor) is transgender, that is, a trans parent. One of his daughter’s is Gaby Hoffman. Remember her from Girls? Adam’s crazy sister.
So a few things about her
1) Do you remember her from Uncle Buck?? Remember how adorable she was!?
Well ever since her Uncle Buck days she now seems to be cast as the crazy smart yet no social skills kind of girl. you know what I mean? Like your friend who is super smart but can’t seem to figure out how to keep a guy. Her.
The odd thing for me is this: There is a scene in Girls where Gaby is full frontal and she has a bush that is 70’s fro. Like a bush so hairy the entire zoo couldn’t navigate through it. When they showed it I was definitely like WOAH. But never thought about it again. UNTIL last night I was watching Transparent and in one of the episodes they show her naked again with the SAME BUSH. I just need to know this – Do you think she prefers her bush like that or her bushy vagina is part of her character? I hope that NEVER comes back in style.
3) The group chat…FINALLY, thank you IOS whatever number we are up to now.. 9.0?, you have made life a pleasant place for many group chatters. I will be the first one to tell you I probably text the most in the group but there are some other people in the group who are part of the group chat but rarely text. Once in a blue moon they will sputter something and I won’t believe my eyes. Well IOS has given the eye rollers a gift. Instead of rolling your eyes or throwing your phone out the window, you can now put your Group Chat on DO NOT DISTURB. Woofuckinghoo!
4) So I had to have some pics taken for my new updated blog (coming very shortly) and really wanted to hire Jamie K to do the work because I live for her. She is super talented but everyone kept telling me she was a fortune. Like if I wanted to hire her to do Zach’s Bar Mitzvah (still haven’t made one phone call yet..YIKES…need to book DJ and place stat) she starts at $10K! I had a hard time believing that her opening package was $10K but people were insistent. Well I sucked it up to inquire. Jamie answered, laughed and said “Who told you that?” I told her a friend of a friend and then she basically told me $10K is for the ULTIMATE package…like the diamonds and glitter. Jamie there when your child wakes up in the morning of his/her Mitzvah until your 13-year-old goes to bed at night. (no, not really but you catch the drift). Her packages start at $4K. Phew!
5) I have been meaning to ask but only remember these things at 3am…I am putting together my annual holiday gift guide this year. Let me know if anyone has something AMAZING you think I should consider. Please EMAIL me [email protected] pictures, pricing and why it is so great. I will happily consider. Don’t be offended if I don’t choose it. I swear it is not personal. I am always looking for NEW exciting lines, products, etc that I can tell the world about.
6) I would love of you to think of me as the girl who reads the Times from front to back everyday but I’m just not. I do read it cover to cover on Sunday but during the week I mostly get my news online. I discovered this amazing email service that gives me all the news I need to know in one short page. It is a brilliant little newsletter and if you are like me who does not have the time to read the NYTimes, Washington Post or LA Times you need this. This will never replace the WSJ but it is a goody that covers the basics:
Here is a sneak peek from Friday:
7) Thank you AB to pointing out the Affair FB page. To those who are watching…here are some questions answered from the Creator Sarah Treem:
8) Has anyone seen Foxchaser yet? Thoughts?
9) Lastly…to those who are around on Wednesday and would love to come out for a fun night in honor of a charity that is near and dear to my heart , The Crohns and Colitis Foundation Chapter of New Jersey will be holding Casino for a Cause at the Crystal Plaza in Livingston (Wed the 19th at 6:30). Click here: for TICKETS. It is an AMAZING night filled with shopping, gambling and an incredible silent auction!! I hope you can make it.
Jury is still out on whether or not to write Part 2 of Jury Duty. I think I may have more fun recapping The Affair… but I feel like it has to be continued, right?
until Monday!

!)I watched all of Transparent and was obsessed and disturbed
2) That Amazon Echo thing is really cool for a holiday gift
3) I gave up The Affair but you’ll be happy to know it’s already been renewed for a second season. I hated it.
4) New favorite App is Tip N Split for when you need to split the check with friends at dinner
5) I loved jury duty