Who will play Christian Grey?

It is no secret that Christian Grey is every woman’s fantasy, right? I mean who doesn’t wouldn’t want to be swept off their feet by a hot, rich, redic in bed, kind of guy…It is no wonder Fifty Shades became an International Best Seller and is soon to be a movie. When I was flying home from Orlando today and I read that Charlie Hunnam has decided to leave the role of Christian Grey, I had to re-read the article like 3 times.
Um…. what?
I have to be honest, I wasn’t so excited for him to be playing Mr. Grey. Truth be told, I have never seen Sons of Anarchy and I KNOW if I had seen the show, I would think differently, blah blah. BUT I haven’t seen the show YET so I am not disappointed in the walk off the role. HOWEVER I need to understand it. I need to understand how someone would turn down the role of a god that EVERY SINGLE WOMAN IN AMERICA will go see.
Like not a just a few chicks, the entire fricking country. Too much pressure? Too much to live up to? Charlie, do you think you won’t be able to pull it off in the red room? What? Please explain to us woman. It cannot be that you are so tied up in other work commitments that this is too time constricting. Is your mom disappointed you may be playing a soft porn star? I would like the real answer. You know this is not like a one time gig. It is 3 movies. Even though the first book was the only one worth reading, you are signed on for 3 MOVIES and every woman in America will be watching you!
Since you will not be playing Christian, I would like to take bets on who will take the role?
First one who guesses correctly wins a gift card to the movies to see Fifty Shades the movie!!! (comment below)
Personally I hope it’s THIS GUY!

Ooohhhh…..I hope it’s him too!!! Don’t even care what his name is!
Ian Somerhalder!
I’m hoping for Alexander Skarrsgard…
Hope it is Ian too. Rob Lowe gets my vote for the gamble.
I have always pictured Ian. Even while i was reading the books i had him in my mind
Chris Pine if he muscles up… http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2326047232/nm1517976?ref_=nmmi_mi_all_evt_42
For me, the BEST CHOICE would be “TARKAN” !!!
YEP, “HE” defenitely would just be “THE ONE”!!!
OMG..I hope it is this GUY..This is exactly what I had in mine while reading the books..especially the first book….OOOHHHHHH
Ian Soerhalder…YES!YES..PERFECT for Christian Grey!!!!!PLEASE!
TARKAN is soooo much more HUMMMM then Ian Soerhalder ….
See, now I’m going to picture me and Ian every time I read the rest of the books! >:D Thank. You. LORD. For blessing this beautiful piece of man upon this Earth<3
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let it be Ian…he’s so perfect!!!!!!!!!!
hi .I’m so sorry that this role is played by someone else ,i was hoping “ian”would play that ,the most deserving one , the most charming man that i’ve ever seen in Tv shows…………….
even in IRAN ,my country he is really popular &famous
Ian somerhalder, tell me why I always thought of him as a perfect Christian Grey as well. He was so great in the vampire diaries