About Me


I am a Philly girl (now a Jersey girl) who started camp at 5, went to my first dead show at 15, started my first business in my garage at 11 (It wasn’t a real business but I still pretended to play office), dreamt up a fashion line called Escalante when I was 16 but realized I couldn’t draw (that obviously went nowhere). I picked up reading somewhere at the age of 6. I collected all the Roger Hargreaves books (Little Miss  Noisy, Mr. Grumpy, Mr. Messy …remember them?) I moved on to Flowers in the Attic and then read  every Sweet Valley High book that ever went into production. Jessica and Elizabeth became my fantasy best friends.  Since then I probably read a book a week and the best part is I read EVERYTHING!!! From Best Sellers to Fiction to How to’s, to my favorite – Memoirs. I am also a huge movie buff. When you sit down to watch the Oscars and they are giving out the awards for the random documentaries no one has ever heard of (remember Searching for Sugarman..yeah I saw that way ahead of the game) I usually saw it. I like to know what’s out there.

I love to workout (pretty much an addiction). It started when I gained the freshman 15. I came home from SU and my father was like “Amy, your ass is HUGE!” Yup, he did say that. (He also introduced me to Howard at the mere age of 8). After that I started Weight Watchers and started running on a 200 year old treadmill. I took the running to outside and ran and ran and ran. When I moved to NYC a year later, I moved into Equinox, got a trainer and started doing what, I don’t know. But it worked for some time. I met Mary Lou Henner and became a vegetarian (a real one for years). Josie’s became my favorite restaurant in Manhattan…and then the inevitable happened. I moved out of the city to a little place called Livingston NJ, had kids and the shit hit the fan (Hello Nana’s!).  Back on Weight Watchers, Inner Strength, Lifetime Fitness for 2 years. Two pregnancies and lots of extra weight, I was determined to lose it forever. It was then I met Tony Horton. Tony changed my life and my body . Since P90x, I have been on a quest to find the ultimate workout. Soul Cycle, hot yoga, Bari, Barry’s, Pilates, you name it, I do it. Because I workout, I love food and I LOVE eating out. I am always on a quest to find the BEST new restaurant! Whether it’s in the hood, in the city, in the Hamptons , Margate, or where ever I travel to when I get out of dodge, I can’t wait to report back with all the deets. I did my time in the corporate world working at many fashion houses, spending most of my fashion career running the Burberry Showroom.  After getting prego, and having a kid, I started an incredible kids line called “Shoots and Ladders. It really was a special business that was featured in Daily Candy, In Style Magazine and received a lot of other press. I had many celebrity clients but there just wasn’t enough capital to maintain it. I then joined forces with my old babysitter to create Bubble & Shake Cupcakes. They were so beautiful and delicious they got us on CUPCAKE WARS! After that experience I decided to give Shannon the biz and move on.

Which is where this blog comes in… I started this blog as a means to pass on all my hidden gems. Whether its a restaurant, a travel destination, a boutique, a movie, a quote,  a netflix series or a yoga studio, It’s always the unrated version. I never sugarcoat.  I will tell you the ins and outs just like I would tell my best friend.  Motherhood, marriage, and life at 40 is not easy, you want the truth, I got it.

My deepest love of all, though, is travel. Since the launch of my blog, I partnered with SmartFlyer to help YOU plan and create trips that you will remember for a lifetime.  Whether its a trip to Florida or a trip to South Africa, you can be sure you are in the best hands. Give me a shout so I can help you plan your next vacation! (I will always save you time, energy and most of all money!)

You can find me on Facebook  or Instagram at 3am writing my middle of the night thoughts, in the car at 7am listening to Howard, in Whole Foods at 11am figuring out what to make for dinner, in the pickup line at 3pm waiting for 10 kids or you can find me on a secluded island with a book hiding from the world. Wherever I am, I am writing to you… Happy Reading! xx