WHITE LOTUS – Season 2 Episode 6, LET’S DISCUSS!

I am going to assume you are up to date if you are reading this. If not, I suggest you click out and come back when you are caught up. I am diving in to write the last recap/remarks/thoughts before the FINALE. Please let me know if you agree/disagree/think I am crazy, etc.
I thought of five different ways to write this but I think its best we go by storyline since we are, in fact, trying to figure out WHO DIES!?

Let’s set the record straight. Harper is a woman who is sexually unfulfilled, rightfully untrusting, and constantly being told (by Ethan) that she’s not nice enough, not approachable enough, not ENOUGH. She has every right to be angry with Ethan. However, I believe, there is no shot in hell Harper slept with Cameron. She is way too smart for him. She’s smart enough to create an illusion that she got naked with Cameron the ten minutes Ethan was in the ocean. A game Harper has picked up from Daphne in the short time they have been vacationing together. And I think its more than done the trick. Besides that fact that Cameron is a walking Petri dish of STD’s and Harper isn’t going near that.
My favorite line of the episode was in the conversation between Ethan and Harper in the opening scene when Harper says “We are too young to be this old.” Mike White does a phenomenal job showing a couple who are completely disconnected that are unable to express their true feelings. I believe what Harper is trying to convey is that there is no doubt Ethan loves her. There’s love and there’s “in love.” There’s love and there’s intimacy. Ethan misreads that and believes an expression of love is what Harper needs. Personally, I felt like this was SO on point and worthy of mentioning. Because there was nothing really further for Harper to say. They truly are disconnected.

Jealousy has reared its ugly head and Ethan’s insecurities are protruding at the seams. What I find most frustrating about Ethan is he is so obsessed with Harper cheating on him even though he ignores her when she practically throws herself at him. He’s like a toddler with a toy; he ignores it until someone shows an interest. Ethan, if you don’t want her, let her go! Stop with the “work is crazy” bullshit. You are so hell bent on “honesty” then be honest! Honesty is what separates their marriage from Daphne’s and Cameron’s shit show of a perfect marriage, right?
Do you think Ethan could easily resort to violence to sort out his tormenting thoughts of jealousy? I mean he does prefer watching porn to having sex with his wife who he feels jealous of at the first glimpse of her alleged unfaithfulness. There is a preview clip of Ethan punching Cameron in the water. Do we think Ethan is crazy enough to kill Cameron? I don’t think so… Do you?
Also, can we discuss the Three’s Company act of Lucia, Mia and Ethan in the lobby. First of all, this was the perfect time for Harper to diffuse this entire situation by confronting them. Why didn’t she? Secondly, I can’t understand, for the life of me, why these two girls have not been paid. yet by Cameron. You would think two obvious hookers you boned that are trying to get your attention to pay them (when you’re on vacation with your WIFE NO LESS) would be priority NUMBER UNO!
Speaking of Lucia, she is playing the part of the poor little hooker with a heart of gold just wonderfully. Wake up ALBIE! Alessio and Lucia are definitely in cahoots. Whether its her pimp or not, they are in it together, taking advantage of Albie’s need to “help wounded birds.”

What happens when Albie learns that his father slept with Lucia before he did? I don’t think it’ll be enough to turn him into a killer, but there’ll be some major rage and damage to his psyche.

Mia has managed to get rid of the piano player and seduce Valentina, the hotel manager. Mia is now the owner of the MASTER KEY. Will this key play a role in the final episode? If anything, we may have a the new hotel piano singer at The Four Seasons, I mean White Lotus :).
My first question when this episode ended was why didn’t Portia call a TAXI? Between the dine and dash, Tanya’s warning about who Jack really is, the fact that he seems to be deliberately keeping her from the party, AND his admittance to the fact that he was “finally able to do something in return for his uncle,” why doesn’t she get the hell out of there the minute he passes out? Well I found out that Cefalu is a tiny beach town 1 hour away from Palermo. There are no Ubers in Cefalu and getting a taxi that late would be nearly impossible. I am disturbed that Tanya did not just come forth and tell Portia she fully saw Jack boning “his uncle”. But now that Tanya is beginning to see the light, I wonder if the pills she stole from Tanya’s bathroom (in an earlier episode) will be the weapon of death. Those were clearly sleeping pills or anti nausea pills. I suspect what happens in the final episode is the gay mafia have Tanya and Portia back on the yacht and Portia drops those pills in their drinks. When Quentin and Jack pass out they fall off the boat and drift to shore, dead.

“A Vision in Salmon”, AKA Stiffler’s Mom, AKA Tanya is the Belle of the Ball. I was aghast to see Tanya go through with this night after her findings last week. She knows something smells fishy in Palermo but she goes forth with snorting lines and screwing the not hot Italian mafia coke dealer. I have to wonder if she decided to go forward with his seduction in response to finding out that her husband, Greg, is part of this Brokeback mountain ordeal. It was Greg in that photograph Tanya picked up from the dresser, correct? Which means Greg is the cowboy from Quentin’s past. Was Quentin who Greg was on the phone with in the bathroom and said he loved? Didn’t Greg arrive before Tanya to Sicily to go “fishing?” I have a hunch he arrived ahead of Tanya to plot with Quentin how to swindle her out of her money, perhaps by killing her to circumvent the prenup. Will Tanya, like Madame Butterfly, kill herself after her husband’s betrayal is revealed? No shot. Or will Quentin, the palazzo owner with no cash, holding onto the remnants of wealth and beauty that by refusing to open his estate to the public, wash up ashore as in the Isola Bella Tale? I believe so…
Tanya is no Madame Butterfly. She is over Greg and there is no chance she will take her life over his betrayal. My bet is we get to see her at another resort in White Lotus Season 3.
That’s a wrap!! I can’t wait for the Finale! What are your thoughts??? Agree/Disagree?

What about the possibility that Ethan kills Harper, not Cameron. I honestly think either of those are too obvious right now.
Omg I think your recap was sooooo on point ! I wasn’t sure who was in the pic but now that you said it was Greg totally makes sense ! I need the finale to come out !!!!!!! And so need another season asap ! Thank you for your recap 💗
Yes yes yes! To all of it! Watched it last night and kept thinking Harper is not screwing Cameron but she’s making Ethan think she is and he is losing his mind over it! Why didn’t Portia take a taxi? Why did Tanya screw the Italian dude after seeing the picture of her husband aka cowboy in the room? There’s obviously a set up there. Lucia and Alessio totally in it together. And Tanya will absolutely be in season 3! You are spot on!
I think you nailed your review.! There isn’t anything I could disagree with here. Can’t wait to see what happens.
I love this recap! I definitely think Greg is colluding with the gay mafia to get their hands on Tanya’s money and I totally agree that it was Quentin he was on the phone with. He never left Italy, he’s hiding out somewhere.
I can’t wait for the finale to see whose bodies wash up. It will be interesting.
Why doesn’t anyone think about Albie…..he could have killed Cam to “protect” Lucia. But we also know there are a few dead bodies per Rocco’s comment in the 1st episode. Valentina is out for revenge. Could she have killed Mia? Or Rocco’s fiancé? I’m also not discounting Daphne….she disappeared for a massage the exact time her friends lives went to shit. She is kind of a mastermind, too. CAN’T WAIT FOR SUNDAY!!!