THE UNDOING Episode 5, Let’s Discuss!!!

The murder weapon appears! Is Henry a psychopath like this father? Let’s dig in….

Jonathan has an idea who murdered Elena. And he has the audacity to question the woman he has betrayed time and time again. Grace is a sleepwalker, not a murderer! I honestly have no idea how Grace can pretend to play the role of the devoted wife but as Hayley points out “if you two don’t feel it, neither will the jury.” The show must go on…

The trial kicks off with the opening arguments. The prosecutor shows a replica of the likely murder weapon detailing the brutality of the murder, accusing Jonathan of “violently, savagely” striking Elena 11 times in the head. The Hayley defense points to Fernando as the likely killer. Hayley believes the police investigation was too fast and fixated on Jonathan being the only suspect. On a side note, why in the world are Henry and Miguel at the trial? Must Grace, Jonathan, and Fernando bring their children??

Apparently, all that talk of Elena being bludgeoned to death made Jonathan a bit horny because he calls Grace for a booty call. His manipulation tactics are in overdrive and Grace, poor Grace, wants so badly to believe in the Jonathan she thought she knew. She heads over in a bathrobe, not even her green overcoat. Hook, line, and sinker. WAKE UP GRACE! Denial is a very dangerous drug. Don’t be like your mommy 🙂

The following morning Grace returns to Franklin’s apartment (can we discuss the ceiling height!!) where we find Henry waiting for his mom on the couch.

Why is he wearing a coat at the crack of dawn? She asks Henry why he is up? What is bothering him? What’s wrong? Um, my father is on trial for murdering his mistress who he deeply loved. That’s all.

Although we come to find out there is something bigger bothering little Henry. Not only does Henry admit to seeing his dad with Elena months ago outside of his school, but Jonathan knew that Henry knew, and he didn’t care. Jonathan just smiled and waved. Now, Henry is beating himself up for keeping this a secret from his mother. He feels guilty because maybe all of this could have been avoided had he said something, but he was scared and wanted to protect his dad.

Lie No. 40? GRACE, RUN! But there is no time for family court. It is day two of criminal court and Grace & Jonathan must be on their best behavior. If it looks like Grace doesn’t trust and believe her husband, then how is the rest of the world supposed to believe him? Hayley does an amazing job uncovering forthe jury what an awful job Detective Mendoza has done with this case. Hayley asks Mendoza, “Would Grace have been treated as a suspect had her DNA been found at the scene?” Mendoza answers yes. “Then why wasn’t Fernando?” she asks Mendoza, pointing out that his DNA was found at the scene. Hmmm. Good question.

The Fraiser’s go out for a somewhat celebratory meal of sourdough bread, breadsticks, crackers, and what is Grace eating? cantaloupe? Henry is on a mission to keep his family together. If the family can survive the trial, then they can survive as a family, too. Henry reiterates that Grace tells her clients that marriage can go on after infidelity. Ummm yes, when both people want it and one is not a pathological liar accused of murder! Henry even tries to get Jonathan to say that he’d never cheat again, not happening. Then Henry mentions the dog. Oh boy. Do you mean his dead sister, Katie? How long have they been married? Jonathan’s parents were at their wedding, correct? This was just never mentioned. I have to say, I am at a loss.

And Jonathan’s crying and claiming this is why he became a pediatrician: to save all the little Katie’s. PUH-LEASE. Grace, how dare you to console this man!
Fernando takes the stand and we can truly feel his grief. If Fernando was going to murder anyone, it would have been Jonathan, not Elena.

Jonathan’s mother, Janet the grammar teacher, finally returns Grace’s call. “None is a contraction of not one.” Can you imagine your mother-in-law correcting your grammar? Yikes. I am not sure what that was about but, more importantly, we learn quite a bit about her psychopath son. Yes, Jonathan’s little sister was killed, but Jonathan never showed grief nor regret. He never even said he was sorry! After it happened, he never spoke of it again, and when he was old enough, he left the family home and cut all ties. Talk about a kick in the gut. I am unsure how one of the city’s best psychiatrists missed this one.

She certainly did not miss the sculpting hammer in Henry’s violin case!
One more week until we find out who did it! This is what I am thinking.
Could Henry be covering up the crime for grandpa or dad? He did know his father was having an affair and kept that secret. He only wants his parents to stay together. Or was the hammer placed in the violin case by someone who had access to Henry? The violin is stressed in the story by Jonathan and Franklin. When the police came to search the Fraiser’s apartment, wouldn’t they have searched Henry’s belongings as well? Therefore, was the sculpting hammer placed in the violin case afterward? The main reason I do not believe Henry did it is how could a 13-year-old get rid of all the bloody evidence? Which is why I am thinking its either Grace’s father, Franklin or Sylvia:
Franklin is an art lover. We find him in many scenes at the museum. Quite possibly he commissioned Elena to paint an oil picture of his daughter to display in his art room. He finds out Elena is having an affair with Jonathan and his biggest nightmare comes true. Grace married a man just like her father. Franklin kills Elena and sets up Jonathan for the murder by placing the weapon in Henry’s violin case. Remember Franklin left the fundraiser early? Maybe he was waiting for Elena in her studio but she showed up with Jonathan instead. He waited until Jonathan left and BAM!
I revert to my original theory. Sylvia is the murderer. She was the mystery person Jonathan had an affair with before Elena. Sylvia fell in love with Jonathan but he dumped her. Jonathan has affair number two and falls head over heels in love with Elena. Sylvia also made comments about Elena being sighted sitting across from the school on many occasions. Just sitting there. So she knew of her. Sylvia is furious and super jealous of Elena. Sylvia follows Jonathan to Elena’s studio and, in a rage, kills Elena. Sylvia hates Jonathan and wants to see him ruined, so she plants the weapon at their home the night she was there with Grace watching Jonathan’s TV interview. Henry finds it and hides it to protect his father (again).
Until next week!!

I’m totally obsessed and totally on board with grandpa theory and also the friend. There’s more to her story than the good friend. He went to her for legal advice. She hated elena at the auction planning meeting. Something sits wrong with me about her!!! How is this all wrapping up in one more episode!!?? I need another season…
I want to know why Jonathan lied in advance about the fake medical conference.. what was that about?