THE UNDOING Episode 3, Let’s Discuss!!!

First an apology for not recapping the 2nd episode. Long story but let’s focus on the 3rd…a lot to discuss. We have officially entered an intense game of CLUE. Jonathan, Grace, Fernando, Franklin, Sylvia, or Henry.

We pick up from where we left off at the end of episode 2, the beach house where Jonathan suddenly appears. And just how did he get there and where was he hiding? Grace turns her narcissist, lying, cheating husband over to the NYPD in a flash. Even the man’s most wanted in Manhattan gets the privilege of riding back to the city in a helicopter. No reason for him to sit in traffic.
The DNA results came back. The daughter is Jonathan’s. Shocker. Guessed that the first episode. I bet you know who else knew that info? Grace. For sure. Her flashbacks tell us she knew a lot more than she is letting on. Hence the title “The Undoing.” I do find it odd that Detective Mendoza drops the bomb about the baby YET does not disclose that he has video footage of Grace in Harlem the night of the murder. WTF. What kind of detective sits on that information? Hmmmm.

We find out another clue from the news channel that Henry is fervently watching at Franklin’s home. The possible murder weapon, a sculpting hammer, is missing from Elena’s studio. I wonder who has it?? I had a crazy thought that quite possibly Henry killed Elena. He did go to school with Elena’s son and they are the same age. They must have known each other. Maybe, just maybe, Franklin is protecting Henry.
Grace mentions that Jonathan drained their bank account. Franklin does not reveal “yet” that he gave Jonathan $500K for Reardon. By the way, what private school costs $500k? Just wondering…

Due to money issues, Jonathan is stuck with “The Badger” at his arraignment, a good but not great attorney according to Sylvia. Remember Sylvia is a civil lawyer with no criminal law experience. How does she know that Jonathan’s public defender is nicknamed “The Badger?” Jonathan obviously can’t post the $2m bail and Grace certainly isn’t stepping in to bail him out. As far as she is concerned, Jonathan can rot in prison.
But Jonathan isn’t having it and he begs “The Badger” to let him see his wife. While Grace says she won’t vouch for Jonathan’s innocence, Robert concludes that Grace is suffering from “PTBD” (Post-Traumatic Betrayal Disorder). “A fucked over person often believes the fucker-overer is capable of anything, including murder,” he explains. “Before the betrayal, did Jonathan strike you as a person capable of murder?” That wasn’t the impression he had gotten. “I think your husband is a bit of a dick,” he says, “but not a killer.” This is the first opinion. Jonathan’s doctor friend, Dr. Rosenfeld, has a very different opinion. He is not a fan of Jonathan AT ALL. He even used the word psychopath. I honestly think it is too obvious that Jonathan is the killer. Even though “it’s always the fucking husband.”

Grace’s first meeting with Jonathan was quite interesting, to say the least. Gaslighting, anyone? Yes, I had an affair, yes, she had my baby. But Elena was obsessed with me. Uh-huh. We shall see. Grace is a psychiatrist and knows all about hero worship and how people can fall in love with their saviors. She seems to be buying it. But you know who isn’t. Her father. What is Franklin covering up? He is extremely distraught about not telling Grace sooner about the money he gave Jonathan. Franklin believes he could have possibly prevented this from happening. I am very suspicious of his guilt. It seems very heavy. Especially when we see him standing outside of the Alves apartment. How does Franklin know where Fernando lives? The murder happened at Elena’s studio, right? He also happens to know exactly what floor and window to look at. How would Franklin know this if he didn’t have anything to do with the couple?

Grace brings Henry along for the second meeting with Jonathan. Yikes, that was uncomfortable to watch. Henry wasn’t digging the small talk with pops. He cut right to the chase. “Did you kill her? Did you fuck her? Oh boy. I have to admit, Jonathan handled it like a champ.
The whole inmate fight with Jonathan seemed over the top. Were the writers trying to make a point that he can be vicious when he fights? Got it. We also don’t know what premeditated this. Only a quick visual of one scene in jail.

Grace warms up to Jonathan not being a cold-blooded killer by hiring the hire-powered, no bullshit lawyer, Haley Fitzgerald. The “muck” lawyer. “Muck up the state’s case so they can’t meet their burden”. I think that is my new favorite word this month “Muck.” Let’s see what muck Haley can muster up.

And the moment we have all been waiting for…Fernando finally confronts Grace after following her around the entire episode with that pink stroller. Grace isn’t having any of it. She switches to full bitch mode asking if there were other men and if Elena was being treated for any psychological disorder. Fernando is very evasive and it feels like he wants to say something but decides to walk out instead. Cut to a scene of Fernando outside Elena’s art studio overhearing her having sex with Jonathan. My guess is that Grace saw Fernando standing there that night and hid until he left.

Do you want to know why? Because Grace RUNS to detective Mendoza. She reports Fernando stalking her and demands to see the footage from near Elena’s studio. She insists that Jonathan can’t have been the only person seen coming and going that night. She is right, there is another person. She is waiting for them to show her Fernando but as luck would have it, it is HER! “How well did you know Elena Alvez?” Mendoza asks.
Until next week!

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