Virtuoso Travel Week Baby!

WOW. What a week this has been…. As many of you may or may not know, I started working in the travel biz at SmartFlyer about 8 months ago as an extension of my blog. What does that mean? It means I am a travel advisor (aka agent). The question I am asked the most is “Do travel agents still exist?” Um, YES!!!!!!!! After what I witnessed this past week, not only do travel agents still exist, they are running the travel world. This was Virtuoso Travel Week’s biggest turnout to date and my first (of many to come)!
I met with the most incredible people in the luxury travel industry across the world. From Hotel General Managers, Hotel Marketers, PR, Airlines, Cruise lines Tour Operators, Travel agents, we all come together to learn about new hotels (or the deets of the Viceroy becoming the Four Seasons in Anguilla), hear the latest travel trends, and most importantly get one-on-one FaceTime with suppliers from ALL over the world. Look at these business cards:
The difference between me and the chick working at Amex travel is that when a client needs that extra special treatment, I can call the manager/friend I met in Vegas and ask! Of course I get the same perks but I also have the established relationship that is unmatched to any website or customer service agent. Also a little insider info: those rates on expedia – usually the bottom of the barrel room. (just fyi).
Out of all the travel agencies, why SmartFlyer? Because, truthfully, I could only work with an agency who is constantly evolving as the world changes day to day. It was important I surrounded myself with, not only like-minded individuals who are well traveled, but agents whose backbones are travel tastemakers and experts. Yes, Smartflyer agents are well known in the industry for booking flights and chartering jets but we know the Michelin-starred restaurants as well as the secret bar you’ve never heard about. We have the low down on all the new hotels, room renovations and restaurants before it is announced in the Times. We are the insiders to the travel world who always wants the best for our clients and it’s all due to this guy:
(aka: Michael Holtz)
I left travel week in a daze with so much information I will be sharing in the few weeks but the one thing I left happiest about is knowing I made the right choice where to work. A huge thank you to Elena & Mike for bringing me on board and the biggest thanks to all my clients. Thank you for trusting me to make your travel dreams come true. It will only get better from here!!!
Going somewhere? Happy to help [email protected]

Ok amy… So INHAD NOOOOO IDEA. WOuld love to take my kids away the 17tg to the 21st of August. Any chance or no shot all all… Or the following week??? I am at a loss 😱😱😱😱❤️
@jess – yes of course! I will email you on the side and we can figure it out.