The 6th Grade Party

Livingston, NJ has this phenomena called “The 6th Grade Party”. I mentioned it once awhile ago but for those who do not remember I will refresh your memory. The 6th Grade Party is a few 6th graders who have a joint birthday party to celebrate their 12th birthday. It is a full out dance party with a DJ, refreshments (non alcoholic) and snacks. I have no clue who started this idea many moons ago but it has fully taken on a life of its own. Every Friday night from September – May the kids have a party. The benefit is that they are not hanging out at 7 Eleven or the Kings parking lot on a Friday night doing god knows what. They are basically having a social every Friday night. I guess you could consider this the warm up for the Bar/Bat Mitzvah’s the following year. If you are going to have a 6th Grade party, there is only ONE person to call who takes care of everything from soup to nuts and that is Stacey Berman, Director of Events and Communications at Centercourt.
Stacey brought the concept of the 6th grade party packaged to and ready to go at Centercourt so you literally have to do nothing but make a phone call and show up. Everything is taken care of – from food and drink to DJ emcee, lighting, staff and security. I know those that do not live in Livingston are in awe that there are actual security guards at a 6th grade party but, yes, there are.
Included in the basic party is set up, clean up, a security guard, a staff attendant, unlimited snacks (a variety of all different chips ranging from Doritos, Fritos, Sun Chips, even gluten free upon request). Each bowl has a different snack which is refilled during the night by the party attendant. Drinks are included such as iced tea, lemonade and iced water (again, all refilled as necessary with an unlimited supply of cups 🙂 Also included is a very popular and experienced DJ and emcee with a basic lighting package.
A variety of add-ons are offered to make each party feel unique and “it’s own”.
You have the choice of upgraded lighting packages:
A Step and Repeat:
Dancers & Giveaways (ranges from glow sticks, rings, tubes, sunglasses, etc):
Color Confetti Cannon:
Even personalized candy favors!
There is additional downstairs space available as an add on for any party moms who want kids to feel a part of the party if they are shy or not comfortable with loud noises. The downstairs space comes with an additional security guard, the use of pool table and ping pong table.
The best part is after the colossal mess the kids make in a 2 hour time frame, it is all cleaned up by the staff. Moms and dads are free to walk out happily without any worries.
If you are planning a 6th grade party, this is the only game in town! Even if you are thinking of having a sweet sixteen, an adult party or really any type of party, you can rent the room and make it your own. Centercourt has the perfect space to make it possible. Call Stacey and she will take care of everything from soup to nuts . You can email her at [email protected].
As I am writing this I just got an email for the first 6th grade kick off party of the year on Sept 11th at Center Court…and so it begins!

I really don’t know what to say. It’s not enough to have over the top Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and Sweet Sixteens, now there’s an additional party parents have to throw? Ya’ll must be literally made of money, to spend thousands on on 6th grade party, to turn around and spend thousands more the next year, and again three years after that, for multiple kids. Not to mention the clothes needed to attend, mani/pedis and hair for the girls… the mind boggles.
This is a great idea- do the parents take turns footing the bill? I’m in Boston- but wondering if you can tell me what this 2 hours typically costs.
Thank you!
Are you f’n kidding me? As if the bar-bats are not already enough almost every weekend in the Jewish hood??! By the time they roll around, what do the kiddos have to look forward to? Will the giveaways and prizes then include authentic sports uniforms, Ivivva outfits, jewelry, spa makeovers & gift certificates to the Caribbean? I thought we were kinda “mashugga” here on the north shore of Chicago. But I have to say, you guys on the east coast are cray cray.
It is actually cheaper than a regular birthday party! $1500 for 2 hours divided by 4-5 people so it comes out to about $300-$400 a person.