A note about Homeland…Quinn is my Romeo.
Speaking of Romeo, it was very interesting that The Affair opened up with Noah (from his point of view) discussing “Romeo and Juliet”, the forbidden love affair. How ironic. Noah focuses on how Romeo and Juliet was a comedy and then takes a tragic turn. A lot of comparison here, right? Noah and Alison had a blissful affair and now we are getting ready for the murder and tragedy of the show. Like the Montagues and Capulets, it seems like the Solloways and Lockharts are heading towards a real tragedy of their own.
1. Four months have passed since Noah and Alison’s affair. Noah seems to be trying to work it out with Helen. (Alison is out of sight, out of mind). A few things about this dinner. Just so we are clear, the NY Times Sunday Style section hardly ever highlights a hot store. Once in a blue moon they do but I can’t imagine her hippy dippy store being on the COVER of the NY Times Sunday Style section, but maybe that is just me. Secondly, the Tiffany’s box. I understand why they used the iconic blue box. It shows the necklace was expensive and he went out of his way to buy Helen a special gift to try to make amends. (personally I am so not a fan of Tiffany’s and would have been disappointed to see that box, lol). Why does Helen refuse the gift? I think she is not in it for the long haul. This leaves no lingering guilt (which we will discuss in a minute regarding their therapy session).
2. Bulimic? Try pregnant! Did you hear Cole mention to Scotty over dinner when they were discussing selling the ranch that Scotty has been spending a lot of time in the city. Hmmm, wonder why? Whitney much!
3. Well holy shit did we learn a lot here. I learned that I truly hate Helen and hope Noah leaves her for Alison stat but let’s discuss. Helen tells Noah she married him for all the wrong reasons.
“Do you know why I married you?” Helen asked.
“Because you love me?”
“Because I thought you were safe.”
SAFE? IS SHE KIDDING? The entire marriage is a fraud. She could have had anyone she wanted (ew, she said that) and she “chose” Noah. Really Helen? What a compromise. Great to hear you’re so “okay” with making a lifetime commitment to someone who idolizes you! How nice to reveal this information after 4 kids and several years of marriage. I am SO NOT A FAN! It must make Noah feel great that he won Helen’s hand in marriage because he was Helen’s safe ride. Noah – pack your shit, send her divorce papers and jet.
4. Back in Montauk! Woohoo. Apparently Bruce Butler, Helen’s father, is receiving a lifetime achievement award and Noah (decided in therapy) he will be there for Bruce while Helen stays home with Whitney and prepares the store for the NY Times Sunday Style section shoot. Here we get to view this scene from two POV’s. Noah’s, which shows Alison looking hot to trot (the best she has looked thus far) catering the event and Alison’s, as the dowdy coat check girl. (I love that Noah calls her a traitor when he sees her reading Bruce’s book).
In Alison and Noah’s few moments together at the event, I want to point out a few things. Alison claims to have not had a cigarette since the summer but around Noah she seems to be able to let go of her inhibitions. Also, did you notice that Alison speaks happily of her relationship with Cole, how they have moved on and are even trying to get pregnant. This is a drastic difference between Helen and Noah’s marriage. Four months of therapy and misery. It seems the happiest Noah is in NYC is in the classroom.
By far, the best scene in this episode is the conversation between Bruce and Noah. Bruce fully calls Noah out on the Alison affair. Here is exactly where we get to see why Bruce became the world’s biggest asshole (or at least I think so). He reminisces about a former student he once loved and how he channeled all his energy into a book that was short of winning the Pulitzer. Now is Bruce suggesting that Noah continue his affair with Alison so he can finish his book? Seems so. Kind of gross that he would turn his back on his own daughter! Is he trying to save Noah from making the same mistake he did? Bruce’s response when Noah questions about him about the former student and if he still thinks about her “EVERY FUCKING DAY” was kind of revolting and eye-opening. Which of course leads Noah running to the hospital.
5. Whether Alison asked Noah to come into the hospital or Noah asked Alison if he can go in with her (I believe Noah asked Alison because there is no way Noah said “It’s not my place”, not the Noah we know. ), we see from both sides how much they miss each other.
There was a tremendous amount of tension in the car on the way to the hospital. Did you feel it? I should point out that the reason I do not buy Noah’s side of the story for one minute is because Alison is a nurse. You are going to tell me she has no idea what it looks like when someone is about to die? Please. And her sleeping in a hospital chair as her grandmother (who is basically her mother) is dying seems beyond unrealistic. Even in the next scene when Alison is sleeping in Noah’s car by the lighthouse. Who just gets in a car and goes to sleep? They haven’t seen each other in four months and she goes to sleep the minute she gets in the car? I understand she is extremely sad about her grandmother but sleeping? Bizarro!
6. We are now in the present day at Noah’s book signing that is apparently being made into a Motion Picture. Go Noah! Looks like he took Bruce Butler’s advice, right? Detective Jeffries walks in and Noah is reading an excerpt from his book about the blue boat that Detective Jeffries pulls up picture of on his phone. The boat just so happens to be at the ENTRANCE OF THE END. Remember the place Noah told Jeffries he had never been? Liar liar pants on fire.
7. Alison’s side, as I state every week, is my favorite. We open with Alison slaving over Christmas dinner with the Lockhart’s. In the last episode she was ready to pack it in and this week she seems to be working at figuring out the difference between baking soda and baking powder. Conversation over dinner leads to the brothers discussing what to do with the money once they sell the ranch. Alison simply tells Cole he should spend it how he wishes. Same thinking when Alison asks Cole about what to do about the DNR. Cole tells Alison if she doesn’t want to do it, then don’t do it. Simple answers. No discussing, no sharing. Almost makes you realize how easy it was for them to just move on from the affair. The Solloway’s are the complete opposite always discussing and sharing. Their home life is a mess.
8. Dementia, Alzheimer’s, whatever she has, I think she is avoiding the inevitable.
9. Worst mother ever! Who in their right mind doesn’t attend their own mother’s funeral? No words. Athena should take her hippy weirdo boyfriend, Dennis, and move to a commune out west. Be gone. By the way, did you notice that the grandmother is dying and there is no Cole?? WHERE IS COLE? Not there, just Noah waiting for Alison and Alison could not be happier. Also, I found it so interesting that it was NOAH soothing Alison, explaining that hanging onto her grandmother for extra time isn’t doing her “lost son any service or reversing any of this process”. I believe that was Cole’s job. Lastly, when Noah drops Alison off at her home and he says “I love you” and says replies “I love you too” I almost fell out of bed. Lust has officially turned into love people.
10. I so thought this was going to be Alison’s grandmother’s funeral but it was Scotty’s. As Detective Jeffries walked in, we see Alison sitting several rows back from the front. This is when we all know what we need to know. Bye, bye Cole. This gives the detective a clue that something is not as it seems. He goes back to The End and has the receptionist go back through the records. The receptionist actually finds out that Solloway did have a reservation on Labor Day that was cancelled at 11:22 PM. Lastly the Detective asks the receptionist for the name of a mechanic because he was in a fender bender. Fender bender my ass. He leaves The End with his car was in perfect shape. Think Detective Jeffries wants to question the mechanic? Seems as so. Maybe Noah and Alison got in a car accident with Scotty and he died?? I am reaching. Can’t wait for next week!!!

As usual, your ideas are great! I had one more observation. Up until this week, despite growing up with wealth and fame, Helen has seemed mostly “unaffected “. Her comments at therapy showed her snobby side. Maybe her father has rubbed off on her after all! Can’t wait until next week, and I will be equally eager to read your post!
I just discovered this delicious show last week and spent the last 2 days binge watching. Well not exactly binge as there are only 8 episodes, but watched every free minute. Obsessed!!! Amy, your insights are brilliant! Can’t wait to read what you write next monday or maybe you can just come over and watch with me. LOl What fun!!!