Can we discuss Homeland?

If you didn’t watch the season premiere yet, don’t read this! But if you did, let’s discuss!

1. The Brody Baby a.ka. Frannie. Did I miss why they named her that? Frannie? Sorry if that is your name but that is a tough name for an infant.  Also not so cute (I know I am going to hell).  Good job on casting that kid though. Def passes as Brody’s baby.


2. I literally was freaking out when Carrie was about to drown her. I know she is super crazy but I was not going to be able to watch the show anymore if she actually did it.  She makes me feel better about my own parenting skills.  I hope they never show her with Frannie again. Way too disturbing.

3. No shock on my part Carrie was leaving the minute she arrived in the U.S. I am sure you were thinking the same thing, right? She is in danger to her own daughter if she stays. I just need to understand who is actually raising her daughter. Her sister who has a full-time job, 2 grown-kids and a husband we have never ONCE met?! Who are those people? Do they exist? Does her father live with the sister also? It is all so confusing. Or maybe it is me.

4. Quinn, Oh Quinn. Is there chemistry between him and Carrie or am I imaging it? By the way, he was much hotter last year. He is obviously having a very rough time and losing his mind from all of the people he has killed.


5. The apartment manager. Well to say the sex scene was eye-opening, that would be an understatement. Not because she is heavy, because it was so unexpected, drunk and raw.

6. The note the apartment manager left on Quinn’s door. At this point I started to like her, feel bad for her and wonder what Quinn was thinking. Was he going to keep fucking her? Was this going to turn into a relationship? Are we going to see more of her? Why is he living in that apartment anyway?

Episode 402

7. And of course Saul. I have NO IDEA how he is still married. His wife is miserable, she had a full-blown affair but stayed for what? She really loves him? We know he is 100% leaving New York and going to return to run the CIA. What else would they do with his character. Do you think his wife going to move back with him?

8. Lastly, the med-school student Aayan Ibrahim. What was in the vials he dropped off to his girl friend? Until next week….


P.S Did you watch “The Affair” yet on Showtime?? First episode premiered last week. Go on Demand. It’s a goodie (once you get passed the first 10 minutes).  It is total Lifetime TV but it’s great brainless TV before bed!

Share Your Thoughts

  1. LOVE that show! The two hour ep. flew by. I was sick to my stomach with the baby-in-the-tub scene. I think they almost crossed the line with that one, and I am no prude to extreme content, having worked at a premium cable channel for many years. But that was too much. I keep thinking the baby is a boy dressed in girl clothes. Uncanny how it looks just like Brody! No shocker that Carrie flees, and I’m sure Saul and his wife will be splitsville, when he comes back to Washington.

    October 10, 2014 • 9:35 pm •