It’s 3am … September 13, 2014

It’s 3am, actually it’s 3:47am. Drinking all of this water makes me pee at night. Once I am up, I’m up. I wish I was one of those special people who could pee, get back in bed and wake up 3 hours later. Not a chance. Here are my thoughts….
1. I was so touched reading where everyone was on 9/11. Such a scary day for all of us. We all have a story to tell, a memory that lives in our hearts. I don’t think we can ever forget. My heart goes out to anyone who lost someone. We were all affected that frightening day. I got married 4 days after September 11th, no idea how but I did. I remember every single waking moment on that horrific day and 4 days later, September 15th – my wedding day, I remember bits and pieces. But I can remember every minute of September 11th. I only hope we will never have to deal with this again. I am sick about Brendan Tevlin. It is incomprehensible to me there was a terrorist living in my backyard and it took a senseless murder of a beautiful boy to find this sick man.
We have all seen ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Here is an amazing example of footage you probably haven’t seen from that horrible day that exemplifies the American spirit and my definition of true heroes. Last 4 lines – is what I tell my children all the time.
2. On a lighter note, I was at Target yesterday and found the most yummy pj pants. I was so excited to put them on last night (was thinking about it all day) and I bought wrong size. I assumed that because the hanger said “small” the pants were a small. Nope, my fault for not also checking the tag on the pants. So annoying. Have you done that or is it just me who makes stupid mistakes and has to make extra unnecessary trips back to the store? Like when I literally food shop for an entire dinner and realize I forgot ONE ingredient. I do this a lot, even with a list. lol.
3.Why do dogs eat tampons? Somehow Griffin got into my bathroom and ate half a box of tampons. Just why? Are they that good? Seems like the grossest thing ever to me. He vomited out the entire box. They were in perfect shape, I could have reused them. It was lovely.
4. Do elderly people still wear dentures? I remember when I used to sleep at my grandmother’s she used to literally take her teeth out at night and put them in a glass filled with water. In the morning she would place them back in her mouth. I hope to god that the dental industry has come up with a solution for this because I refuse to wear them.
5. I am obsessed with the song Budapest by George Ezra. I think I am the only one on planet earth who listens to music at 3am with headphones. By the way, do you know I collect headphones? can’t live without them.
6. One of the best kitchen tools (Veggetti Spiral Vegetable Slicer ) I ever bought, but how the hell do you clean it? I threw it in the dishwasher 400 times but it still has zucchini in it! AH! Greg thinks the veggetti is some pornographic item and he keeps asking me if it will be in use every night.
7. LOVE my September 21 Day Challenge group, the girls are killing it! I am so proud! Hope they are loving it as much as I am…. down 2.5lbs woohoo!
8. Instagram is my favorite type of social media. I am overcome with how fucking great it is. I find many amazing people and things on there I never knew existed. It is like having pen pals from all over the place who you befriend by photos. There are people on there that I absolutely love. Never met them, have no idea what their voice sounds like yet I am inspired. For example, this girl liked one of my pictures, I checked her out and I saw this pic of her arm with these adorable plastic Cartier love bracelets.
Love them! Who is she? How do I get them? Does she sell them? Fascinating. So I message her to find out where I can get them? Don’t know her from a hole in the wall but worth a shot. Sure enough, she sells them and I ordered me some.
9. Neiman Marcus Beauty Event at Short Hills Mall is next week and I haven’t even posted about it yet! YIKES!!! Amazing event! One of my favorites of the season. I don’t go to a lot of these things but this one is special. It’s only $25 for a seat. The event consists of an awesome presentation showcasing the hottest new beauty products of the season. After the presentation, guests are invited to the Cosmetics department for makeovers, beauty services by DePasquale The Spa, sweets, and a chance to win prizes. Best part is you get a $25 NM gift card but if you use your Mastercard to pay, you get a $50 Neiman Marcus gift card. You can always let me know if you want to go and I can hold you a seat. Just email me [email protected]. I love this event so much I offered to help them out. Can’t wait…
10. Speaking of Neiman’s, I have a wedding in Napa in tie. Is it cold in October in CA? WTF am I wearing? I need a dress stat.
11. If I woke up tomorrow and somebody said to me “Amy, you can move into any house in a 25 mile radius for free.” You know what I would pick? Dari Alexander’s house. Have you seen it?? O.M.G. You must drive by in Summit. It is the nicest house I have ever seen. Like move in tomorrow, unpack your bags and live happily ever after kind of house. I will try to take a picture for my next 3am post. Mouth on the floor to die for. I hope she appreciates it as much as I do because I die every time I drive by it.
12. I think Summit is my favorite town. I basically live there without owning a house there. Is that a problem? Maybe it really is time to move.
13. I need to come up with something for Shark Tank. My kids constantly have issues with keeping their shoes tied, especially on the soccer field. I am sure you have seen this but there is a product called the SweetSpot. They are plastic bands that literally slide over the cleats so the shoes don’t come untied. Seriously the most brilliant idea. Probably costs $.50 to make and retails for $5 pair or online for $6.99. Why didn’t I think of this??
14. Saw this on Facebook….
Most people picked Freddy Mercury, I think I would pick Bob Marley as lame as that is but I wake up to him every morning (he is my alarm) and I think he makes me happiest. Who would you pick?
15. Do you think the Apple Watch will have a setting that will help me fall back to sleep?
16. Speaking of Apple, anybody who wanted a phone should have just called me because I was definitely up at 3am to order it.
I could go on and on but I must go back to sleep. Soccer weekend from HELL.

Where can I order those rubber bracelets from? I need them.
Love your random thoughts at 3 am!!
I lived in NorCal for 5 years… yes, they have Fall there! It was actually perfect; 3 seasons and no snow!
George Gershwin.