Holla For Challah

Hello, Hello! It has been a long time…Because of the delay being on vacation and all, I have A LOT to catch up on which means there will be several posts this week in your inbox. Read what you want, discard what you want.
Hope everyone had a great vacation! I am pretty excited for the kids to go back to school, not going to lie. I know some of your kids already went back, mine start Thursday. It’s not that I am rush to get them out of the house, I just need to get back to routine.
Due to the fact that the Jewish Holidays are around the corner and there was such an incredible response to my favorite challah (because although it is frozen, you bake it and it tastes like you made it from scratch!), I figured I would offer it for the holidays. Don’t remember? – READ HERE!
Just a FYI, the Challah’s are round for the holidays!
This is the deal…Since there were so many issues last time with people not showing and I ended up paying for people’s challah I didn’t want , it is going to work like this:
1) Email me your order at [email protected] with the subject “Challah” (For example 2 regular , 1 chocolate chip, etc) by this TUESDAY September 9th.I cannot accept orders later than Tuesday because the holiday baking is too hectic.
2) When you email me your order, I will tell you total cost and you MUST mail me a check PRIOR to pickup or I will be unable to process order. I will give you my address when I email you back with cost.
3) The pickup window is on Thursday, September 18th between 12-3, no exceptions.

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