Run, Forrest, Run

Visiting Day 2014. Excited parents from all over the country traveled near and far to visit their beloved kids at camp. Some drove, some flew, some ferried, and some ran like Forrest. But everyone made it.
I have decided to break Visiting Day into two posts. This post will be the one that captures many pics you sent me and the following post will be my Visiting Day and the madness in Maine.
A huge thank you to EVERYONE who submitted pics and videos. There can only be one winner and this guy deserves it! I wasn’t kidding when I asked you to throw on the Go Pro. I really wasn’t. So thank you to Lawrence Smith for being so awesome. For sucking it up, being a sport and showing us what it is like to be the first one to run to your kid. Check it out:
Camp Visiting Day Frantic Run — First Or Die Tryin’
Lawrence made it in the clear, however, there were some people that were not as lucky:
At a few camps, the crowds were so big the parents needed signs so their children could find them!
I could go on about the fashion statements this year but this one was my favorite!
Seems like the rage this year were Tie Dye Bagels, Tie Dye Bunk Gifts and Crazy Colored Socks!
I love the bling skin art. I am not sure how Van Cleef feels about it but it’s pretty awesome. Thinking I may need to get myself a few fancy tattoo alhambra’s! (Although the amount of real Alhambra bracelets I saw in Maine was cray post). Not a dig, I would like a real one myself.
I am unsure how all the camps prepared snacks for the parents but this dessert spread was pretty sweet!
At some camps you ran to them
and other camps the kids ran to you
Just so we are all clear I could care less if you run, walk, crawl, or parachute to your kid!! It’s all in good fun even if you brought up the entire store of Lester’s.
All in all it seems everyone had amazing weather, lots of laughs and tears, and a bitter-sweet goodbye.
Enjoy those few more weeks before the craziness begins!!
Thanks again to everyone who submitted pics. Congrats to Lawrence!
Stay tuned for my Maine Visiting Day next!

That was awesome Lawrence! Very creative. Well played…
Honestly, I cried when Lawrence got to his kids with the open arms.
Ok, that was awesome. Chills
[…] got to camp and it was just so out of hand,” said Amy Sellers, a lifestyle blogger who has witnessed the madness firsthand at her son’s visiting days the past two years. “I saw one grandmother […]
[…] got to camp and it was just so out of hand,” said Amy Sellers, a lifestyle blogger who has witnessed the madness firsthand at her son’s visiting days the past two years. “I saw one grandmother […]
OMG! The Go-Pro video is hysterical! With “I’m winning” playing in the background. Pure genius!
When I was a camp nurse in the 90’s our visitors day was waaay more chill. I think it was partly because some of the campers were at camp through a scholarship/grant program, so parents were asked not to bring goodies/treats or we encouraged to take their kids ‘off-site’ into town if they preferred.
Enjoy your blog very much!