3 Days Before The Camp Bus Leaves

It is 3 days before the camp bus leaves. Unlike maybe some of you, I am not anxious, I am not downing bottles of wine or taking xanax thinking about Zach leaving me for 7 weeks. I am excited for him to go. It is an endless party of sports, swimming, hiking, eating whatever he wants, color war, etc. What could be better! Of course I will miss him but I know he is about to have the greatest summer.
However, I am anxious for his 7-year-old brother he who he is leaving behind. The two of them, although 2 1/2 years apart, are inseparable. This year Parker is closer to Zach more than ever. Even though Parker will be in day camp most of the day, it is still the mornings, evenings and weekends that will be tough. I keep telling him it will be the “Summer of Parker”… Rita’s after camp, Friday night dinners, weekends at the beach. Parker’s endless party but I know nothing will replace his older brother. Who will he play soccer and basketball with after camp? Who will he watch WWE with for endless hours and then have an activity of beating the shit of each other for an hour after that? Who will he get his sports updates and weather reports from at 7am? Who will he play NHL 14 with on Saturday mornings?
These are the things I worry about before Zach leaves for camp.
Maybe Parker will bond with the new puppy once Zach leaves? Maybe Parker will have some playdates with kids of his own age instead of all of Zach’s friends? I admit it. I haven’t been perfect in this arena. I spent so much time with Zach, the first-born, making playdates for him, that after the 2nd kid, I figured he could just hang out with all of Zach’s friends. Which is basically what has been happening for years. I never made the effort. I have come to a point, as in right now, that I realized maybe that wasn’t such a great idea. I can’t really change it, I can only encourage him to spend time with kids his own age. I did sign him up for a hockey league after camp..kudos for that one.
So while I am worried about Parker dealing with Zach’s absence, I am just going to have to hope that a summer at Jeff Lake, a new puppy and much love from his ‘rents will have to suffice. At least until visiting day…..
Are you going through this?
