A Day in the Life…

My Day Yesterday:
My cell rings and I have no clue what number it is so I forward it to voicemail. Yeah, if I don’t recognize the number, you are going straight to voice mail. You will have much better luck if you text me. I always text back. fast. It is a 917 number which means 1 of 2 things
1) Someone in the city
2) Someone who lived in the city, got a cell and kept their number (I still have mine as well). I have no idea why I love the 917 area code on the cell. just one of those things…
I play the message back and it is a company in the city that I had called last week. I am putting together a Father’s Day Gift Guide and I had sent out some feelers to a few companies on things I would like to feature.
I call the dude back and he tells me that he can send me an “image” of the product but it is a $99 item. I literally almost spit out the water I was drinking. An image? That is like saying, here I would LOVE you to feature my product I whole-heartily believe in, have invested my days and nights in and want you to share with all of your readers but you will have to take my word for it people will want it.
This is where I will tell you, mostly EVERYTHING I feature is something I have used, worn, read, ate or drank before. It is VERY unlikely that I will just find an item because it “looks” cool and advertise it. Lots of bloggers do, I think 70% of them if I had to guess. I don’t. Look I don’t expect Cartier to send me their $10,000 Trinity bracelet. Gd no. But a $99 item that I am featuring on a Father’s Day blog for people who are looking for gifts. If you don’t want to send it, I don’t want to feature it. next.
My kids are spoiled. I bought this jelly at some farm when we went pumpkin picking in the fall and now they will only eat the jelly from the farm. Yesterday after school the 7-year-old says to me, “mom, for a snack can I have toasted bread with butter and that jelly from the farm?” Gd help me. Only the $10 jar of Red Raspberry jam is suitable . Is this my fault? Is it crazy the 7 and 9-year-old know the difference between Smuckers and McCutcheon’s jam?
Speaking of expensive spreads, have you been to the Cheese Shop in Summit? O M G! They have this butter from France – Lescure that an extremely nice friend of mine brought me. It is heaven. It is the best butter I have ever had in my life.
I think if I could request one of my last meals on earth, it would be a basket of warm bread with this butter. You must try once in your life. I have been working hard to not think about that stick of butter in my fridge. Like thinking of Brussel sprouts and carrots but it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick. As much as I should throw it out, it is too expensive, it was a gift and Greg hasn’t stopped talking about it.
Kid #2 has the “fever virus”. I thought that went out-of-town years ago. Doesn’t it last like a million days?
I am curious to know what everyone else’s school lunch policy is – In Livingston Elementary Schools, our children have the option to “order” in from local restaurants (Sushi, bagels, pizza, meatball subs, and on and on). Did I mention the kids are spoiled? or maybe I am because I don’t have to make lunch everyday (I am not complaining). Yesterday I got an email that today the French Toast sticks I ordered my children will be replaced by Texas Toast Bread. Thank you for the update. What on gods green earth is Texas Toast Bread? I decided to tell the kids not to expect french toast sticks but some fabulous French Toast from Texas. Of course they looked at me like I was crazy, asked why from Texas and if they had it before. To which I answered, no but I heard Texas makes the best french toast. Guess we will know later today, I promise it will be the first thing they mention when they walk in the door from school.
After all that french toast talk, I get a text asking me if I heard about the superintendent and the real reason he was asked to take a leave of absence. Yeah, I heard. Is it all over town yet? Ugh. Men….
In closing, since I was home yesterday with my older son who has fever virus, I wound up watching a little TV with him. As you know, I never watch TV during the day. I am fascinated by people who do and to be honest I am quite envious but today I watched a little of Shark Tank. I need to know
1) What happens to all of these companies that “agree to a deal?”. Are they really successful? Next year they should do an hour segment on all the companies that agreed to a deal with Mark Cuban, Robert Herjavec, Lori Greiner, Kevin O’Leary, Barbara Corcoran, etc the first season and show where are they now. By the way, has Barbara Corcoran ever made a deal with anyone?
2) I would love to know how they filter the people for Shark Tank. I have seen some of the dumbest ideas EVER (like the Cougar Energy Drink). Not sure how this product even got passed the casting crew. Like if you are over 40, need a lift me up, a little weight loss and some passion, drink the “Cougar Energy Drink”. I would LOVE to know what woman is buying that.
Oh and how about the Kitty Toilet? You may think this is brilliant but I think it is awful. What happens when you have company and your guest needs to use the restroom and finds your cat sitting on the toilet taking a shit? Bizarre! Believe it or not though, this product has been widely successful.
The woman that did invent the CitiKitty Cat Toilet came back on season four with a product I love:
- Great for reading, watching TV, studying or listening to music
- Includes two drawstrings to adjust head size and level of hooded
- Includes pocket to hold your phone, remote or wallet
- Includes headphone porthole for tangle-free listening
For $24.99, it is a great deal. It also comes in other colors. I think this makes a great graduation gift! (that blog is coming soon, sorry if you will see this item twice). Funny because this company didn’t send me the pillow! Just the image…
Until tomorrow

My 2 cents is this is the best Shark Tank product EVER:
Although I may need to try out that hoodie-pillow. Just because.