April 15, 2014
It’s 3am…

3am – as always – I can’t sleep.
These are my thoughts
- I am getting on a plane in 5 hours, I need to sleep but I can’t so maybe if I write down everything I am thinking about I can fall back to sleep for an hour or so. MAYBE.
- If I don’t, it is going to be an awful day traveling since I can’ t sleep on a plane (nope, never have. Even after taking an Ambien)
- When did Washington D.C become the hot spring break place? I think the entire town of Short Hills and Livingston will be visiting the president in the next two weeks.
- Can’t believe TBJ switched Hebrew School to one day a week. Absolutely brilliant. Now which day? Sunday, Monday or Tuesday, Meredith?
- I wonder if I will see anyone famous in LA. Is LA just like you walk down the street and hey, there is Aaron Paul, oh there is Mark Walhberg?
- Really not sure why they put Billy Joel on Sirius for 2 weeks. Was that a test to see how much traffic would make it worth it to have a permanent station? Such a tease.
- I hate small talk. I wish I was better at it but I am terrible, people know it when I bring up the weather.
- How much worse can my allergies get before I pull my eyeballs out?
- How did I come from such a dysfunctional family and make it out okay? I wonder if it would make a good book?
- Is Coachella as amazing as it looks from the pictures or it is deceiving? Are there real sand storms? Is everyone nice or pretending to be?
- Greg cleaned out the garage, took the outside pillows to the cleaners, stopped the mail, stopped the egg/milk delivery, refilled medicine and power washed the entire house in 4 hours. Maybe I should seriously go back to a high paying job and leave him home.
- Who in Seattle is reading my blog? Somebody emailed the other day and asked that I write about jeans. Good ones, Bad ones, differences etc. Funny that I was working on this anyway. I loved that she asked! I wonder what other people want me to discuss. Comment below!
- For the first time in 39 years I am seeing a rock star therapist. I have been in therapy before but she is incredible. She makes me realize how bad some of the therapists are out there. So sorry for the people who are paying for therapy year after year and not getting anywhere. A few months in and a whirlwind of difference. Love her and actually felt great texting her how amazing she is. I think everyone who has a person in their life that creates any positive impact should email or text them just to let them know. It’s the small things. Thank you to the person who gave me her digits.
- Can’t believe how many people have commented on my skin. Either my skin was awful before or Beautycounter is the end all be all.
- This is the first time I can remember I did not get a pedicure before a trip. Hmmm, they should offer mani’s and pedi’s in the airport. Such a great way to kill time waiting and have the perfect nails before boarding.
- Pookie & Sebastian & The Meat House (although I just read it closed) is next door to each other in Roslyn. I drove by last night and I am still unsure why this does not exist in Livingston. The beginning of my ideal strip mall would be Barry’s Bootcamp, Pookie & Sebastian, Jugo Fresh (from Miami) Houston’s on the corner. Agree? I didn’t say that was it…just the beginning.
- Maybe I should try to go back to sleep.
- I wonder how my Passover recipes went over, did anybody make them?
- 6 hour plane ride sucks w kids. They just do…wifi please!
- I think there should be a written rule when you have a baby or someone close to you dies, you should not have to write a Thank you note. Absolutely acknowledge them if you see them but thank you note – definite pass on. RIGHT?
- Are people watching “The Amerian’s”?I hope so because it makes such a great topic of conversation. So much better than the weather.
- OMG it’s 4:30, I am signing off.

I love, love the fact that I am not the only 3AMER who wakes up and has a head full of thoughts! Good to know there are actually others out there just like me, lol!