Angie, Angie…

I had a moment today. I know we have all had these. Noa began his Soul Cycle class with “Angie” by the Stones (stop reading this blog right now if you don’t know this song. You should be embarrassed). It was the perfect way to start the 5pm class. 5pm is a TOUGH time on a Friday but I need those 45 minutes to start my weekend. I wouldn’t trade them for anything. It could be my favorite 45 minutes of the week. no joke. Happy wife = Happy life. Anyway, I was dying to listen to “Angie” again when I left. I turned on my car, drove for 2 minutes and I shit you not, Angie came on the radio. This is when I believe there is something so much bigger than all of us in this universe. Not to sound like a total freak but I just know it. It is like when you dream about someone you haven’t seen in a long time and you see them the next day. This happens to me ever so often. It is so weird!! Has this happened to you?
I had my last session with Pam and feel like I broke up with my boyfriend, lol. Pam is just one of those people you want in your life forever. She is NO bullshit and she tells you like it is (which I LOVE). She does NOT waste your time. Pam is a gem. She is an investment in yourself. that is it. pure and simple. We all spend money on so many things we do not need. Pam is one of the best investments I have ever made. My 3 months with her were unforgettable and she has fully set me on a path to wellness. I was so sad to walk out of her office. She made me a book of all of her favorite recipes, I was hoping for a mix tape but I will settle with the book. It’s actually AWESOME and I am psyched to dive in and start cooking. I will share with you as I make them.
Speaking of cooking – I know I have promised to post this ice cream sandwich recipe.
There are two cookie recipes that I actually wanted to share. The first one is extremely simple and can be made in 10 minutes:
Just mash together 1 banana with 1 cup of oats and add vegan chocolate chips. Form into cookies and bake for 10 minutes at 375. (yes that easy!)
To create the ice cream sandwich, take two of those beauties, blend a frozen banana in a mixer, and place between two cookies AMAZING!
Another cookie recipe I stumbled upon are these Vanilla & Almond Chocolate Chip Cookies (they are dairy free, gluten-free and vegan). You can make them nut free by substituting ground sunflower seeds.
These are the perfect guilt-free, soft centred chocolate cookies. Just a warning, the cookie dough from these is incredibly addictive… which is fine because they’re paleo, egg free, high in protein and vegan too. All the proof I need that healthy is more than delicious. If you are allergic to nuts, you can replace the almonds for ground down sunflower seeds. Cacao is used for chocolate in this recipe. It can be found in health food isles/stores (I actually put a link on it below if you want to order it online)- cacao is the raw, unprocessed version of cocoa and is considered a superfood. The nibs are the cacao beans minus the skin. High in vitamins and minerals, magnesium (which reduces stress and headaches), super high in antioxidants (anti-ageing), great for heart health and filled with naturally occurring ‘bliss chemicals’ which make you feel good, boost your energy and is an aphrodisiac!
- 1½ cup almond meal
- 2½ tablespoon melted coconut oil
- ¼ cup Cacao Nibs
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- ¼ teaspoon sea salt flakes
- ¼ teaspoon baking powder
Preheat oven to 340. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. On a lined baking tray, measure and roll out 1 tablespoon of batter and press lightly in center. Bake for 13-15 minutes until gold. They will be soft when removed but will firm up as they cool. Centers will stay soft and fudgey when cool, if preferred crunchy, place back in oven for another 3-5 minutes.
Store in a sealed container for up to 5 days.
Enjoy your healthy cookies! One last thing about Pam, I asked her if there was something I could give to my readers since I feel like everyone need’s Pam in their life and she offered her initial consultation free of charge if you mention Lulu and Lattes. Super nice!
By the way, take 5 minutes out this weekend, find a quiet place BY YOURSELF, throw on headphones and listen to Angie. Such a great fucking song. Headphones only.
Happy Weekend!!
Wholefully Aware, Pam Yudko. 917-797-8950

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