
If you can believe it, I am still going strong. Today is Day 11. I decided to not workout this week except for Friday’s Soul Cycle class. I was hoping to get into the Noa Battle of the 90’s class Saturday but there is a waitlist..BOO. I should have gotten on that earlier. story of my life. I do everything last-minute and pray it works out. guess this didn’t.
I turned things up a little this week and tried some new recipes. The first being this yummy green shake:
- 3 cups spinach
- 1 cup froze blueberries (or raspberries, blackberries, mangoes, papaya, etc.)
- 1 tablespoon flax oil
- 1 tablespoon maca powder (I didn’t use this because it was $50 for the jar and decided to pass this go around)
- 1 tablespoon Spirulina Powder
(you want this! pic below)
- 1 cup almond milk
- 2 dates or a few drops of stevia to taste
Blend until creamy! This is one healthy breakfast and it tastes delicious.
My other new favorite recipe that my kids have asked me to PLEASE put it in the dinner rotation (can’t believe that…. I will do anything NOT to make chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, or pasta)
- 1/2 cup wheat free tamari or nama shoyu or coconut aminos (I use tamari)
- 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar or balsamic (I use apple cider)
- 1/4 cup coconut nectar
- 2 large garlic cloves, peeled and minced (hope you have a Garlic Press, best invention ever)
- A knob of fresh ginger (roughly 1 1/2 inches), peeled and minced or 1 teaspoon ginger powder
- 2 chicken breasts, sliced into long strips 3″ long and 1/2″ thick
- 1 teaspoon sesame seeds
Over low heat in a pan mix the first five ingredients until you have a smooth and thick sauce, roughly 12 minutes. Lay chicken pieces in the sauce and cook, stirring frequently, until cooked through (about 12-15 minutes). Add pieces to bowls of mixed greens pouring the remaining sweet and sour liquid equally over each bowl. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve. This works well warm or chilled.
I served the chicken with brown rice for my kids and in romaine for Greg and I (although I had to eat mine at lunch).
Where am I in all of this?
Monday sucked. I felt tired all day and I was trying to figure out if it was because I didn’t work out, the stress of having a crazy bitch in my life (I hope one day I can write about her, your mouth will be on the floor for a week) or I was in major detox mode. I did some reading and found out Week 2 the body is fixing the gut, cleaning out yeast and fungus, and getting your system back into balance. As this happens, your immune and repair systems are starting to bounce back into full, working mode. This awakening can sometimes unsettle the body causing skin breakouts, tiredness, and symptoms that may make you feel like you’re getting sick. This is a normal part of the cleanse process and a sign that your body is getting back in the game. AH! Here I am….I am pushing through and at this point I am not giving in.
Yesterday was crazy. I published the Beautycounter article and I was stunned to see the overwhelming response. I knew it wasn’t just me who felt this way! You would think that if women feel this strongly and are so sickened by the FDA something would change! Unbelievable to me. I have had so many people ask for samples – this is what I am going to do. I am going to create a calendar, check off the date when you want to try the samples and I will drop by (locally) otherwise I will send you all the info and we can talk privately. Shoot me an email [email protected]
Last night my parents came up and my brother flew in from LA so we went to Nero’s. Um. I can’t eat. Talk about willpower. holy hell. This is how it went down:
Started like this:
Ended like this:
Those fries sure smelled good! When the waitress went around the table and asked what I wanted to eat, I wasn’t sure what to say. “Well, I am on a diet and not eating”, “Um, I already ate dinner”, etc. I do not know why I cared whether or not she thought I was suffering from anorexia or what, but I felt like I had to give her an honest answer. Thankfully Greg chimed in and said, “she’s not eating, I will have the Julio salad.” Thanks Greg, lol.
A few things
1) Do not forget that Bee Bee Designs is in the city this week at Make Meaning for their trunk show 12 -7pm!
2) Every morning I wake up and fight not to get on the scale because I think if I wait until day 14 something magical will appear. Fingers crossed for Sunday!
3) It has been 11 days with no alcohol. WOW.
4) Is it normal for the 9 year-old to have a girlfriend that he facetimes every night? Hmmm. She is adorable and very smart. Just wasn’t ready for this at 9! Is this a “Livingston” thing or just a thing? I remember I liked Brett Bell in 4th grade. I used to sit in the back of the bus and hope he would sit next to me (he was on my school bus). He never did. lol.
5) I am writing an article on the legalization of mary j and how it may or may not affect our children. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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