It’s Movember – let’s workout!!

Growing a ‘stache? Hibernating in the cold…Lots of stuff opening around this hood to get you off the couch!
I am THAT person that gets so excited when I hear something new is opening…it is like hearing about a new movie or book that is out you must see or read. When I heard about SLT, I had this misconception that it was very much a Pilates workout. Um, no! SLT stands for Strengthen, Lengthen, Tone. SLT’s motto is if “cardio, strength training and pilates had a baby” it would be SLT. I couldn’t agree more.
I would describe SLT more like this…Using a modern version of the pilates reformer (Megaformer) combined with movements from Barre, Exhale, Physique and weights, you have this pretty amazing class that was created to keep your heart rate up, your muscles lean and your legs quivering. Plus the music is PUMPING! It is not easy but like everything else you can modify it or you also have the ability to take it up a notch.
I go to Crossfit 4-5 days a week. I always need something on an off day to stretch out my muscles yet feel like I actually worked out. I usually take a hot yoga class on my day off but this is definitely an awesome change up! I LOVE the owner Amanda Freeman. She owns SLT in the city (Soho and Midtown), Hamptons (Watermill), Westchester (Ryebrook) and she has plans to open in Roslyn & Scarsdale. She is co-owner of Vital Juice and was born and raised in Short Hills! You will LOVE HER!
Classes are $36. If you buy a package, it is less.
Love spin?? You are in luck… Soul Cycle is opening in Short Hills on Saturday, November 9th!
I know, I know…I keep hearing the same thing, People either love Flywheel or they love Soul Cycle. Truthfully, you can love both. What’s the difference? At Flywheel, you can sign up to compete against other bikers in the studio. There is a monitor in front of the room that shows your progress as you ride . At Soul Cycle, nobody is racing against the person next to them they racing together. Soul Cycle represents a lifestyle that “aspires to inspire.”
Soul Cycle also works HARD on your upper body and core. They use hand weights and in their NY studio they have soul bands. It is actually a class in the city called “SoulBands”.
Maybe that class will make it to Short Hills, one never knows! I take Soul Cycle classes out in the hamptons so I am super excited for them to open in Short Hills next week. I just have NO IDEA when I am fitting this class in! Maybe I drop running on sunday mornings and add soul since it is getting cold. (thinking out loud, lol) The other thing I LOVE about Soul Cycle is the music. It is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! You cannot believe how fast the class goes by because you are so into the music. You literally look up and it is over. The best part of the music is that they put their mixes on Spotify so you can replay, replay! Still not a spotify member?? JOIN NOW! I am OBSESSED.
Soul Cycle $34 for a single ride. They also have packages.
Here is a little insight into Soul if you haven’t taken the class yet!
Ok so where in Short Hills are these studios opening??
SLT, 518 Millburn Avenue, Short Hills, NJ 07078. [email protected]. 973-379-4681
Soul Cycle, 770 Morris Turnpike, Short Hills NJ 07078. 908-206-1300

You are so lucky to have so many options! We have 3 gyms in town: one good one, one for juice heads, and one that just can’t seem to make a run of it. The good one offers a cross fit class and that’s the latest program offered. They have never heard of barre or yoga that isn’t hot around here. Tell your SLT friend to check out Southbury, CT for a studio – we are an active bunch and will try anything if they’ll come to us. Regardless, I’ll be moving for sure this November 🙂
I’m much more a Flywheel fan then soul cycle. its not the competitiveness that is the reason but their classes feel more intensive. You should list them on your list as they are located in Millburn.