12 years later…. The European Driving Experience

Today is my 12 year wedding anniversary. We got married 5 short days after Sept 11th. It was a miracle we pulled it off. My brother missed the rehearsal dinner, 2 of my bridesmaids never showed and Greg’s aunt, uncle and cousins made it there through the skin of their teeth. I still, to this day, have no idea how his uncle flew in from Israel. It was extremely hectic but it turned out to be an unforgettable night, not just for Greg and I, but for so many people who attended.
Some people celebrate their wedding anniversary every year, some people only celebrate the big ones, some people do not celebrate at all. We celebrate every year. It brings us back to a scary, eye-awakening time in our lives and every year it reminds us how lucky we are to have each other and be here living and breathing. It doesn’t mean we go big or go home. It just means it is not another day in our book of the year. Sometimes we do a nice dinner, sometimes we go on vacation, sometimes we find a small, quiet place, bring a bottle of wine and get silly. Whatever it is, it is our time together. I wouldn’t trade it , it is necessary and it what has helped us stay married thus far!
This year we are doing something a little out of the ordinary. Greg has been talking about this for years. This year we are going big. I am a car person. I love them. I know it’s weird. But I love cars. I have to assume, although Greg has never told me, part of his attraction to me is my car fetish. Greg is a car fanatic. I haven’t counted but I think he receives over 5 cars magazines a month plus I can’t even imagine how many car sites he is on daily.
He can negotiate any car lease for a number you thought was impossible. It is a gift. I told him years ago, he should be doing this as a side business. People would PAY for this, he could save them hundreds if not THOUSANDS of dollars a year on a car payment. I swear, he is that good.
We leave Tuesday on what is called “The BMW Driving Experience or The European Delivery”. We fly to Munich, Germany, pick up his new baby and from there the sky is the limit. We mapped out (actually he did) a nice little trip before you have to drop the car at a port. Once you arrive at the port, the car is shipped home and we fly home. His car arrives in the U.S. 6 weeks later. I am going to give you the full trip detail in a little bit but I did want to take you back for just a few short minutes.
The last time we went to Europe together was a year and 1/2 before we got married. We had the best trip but I knew on the plane ride home it was the end of our relationship. You see, we had been dating for almost 3 years and he knew it was coming, This Talk:
We lived 4 city blocks away from each other and we went home separately after spending 10 days together. It was time. He was either moving in, we were getting engaged or I was moving on. So we had that talk a few days after our trip. It went exactly like I thought it would go, he wasn’t ready to “commit”. I told him to go find someone else. Since he thought there was someone soooo much better..GO. But do not call me, write me, email me, etc. I was done. AND I WAS.
I was heart-broken, I was a mess but I got my shit together and I moved on. I started dating, A LOT. Every date I went on I constantly compared whoever it was to Greg and I just couldn’t seem to shake him.
So after 2 months I devised a small little plan. I sent him an email and I wrote “Thank you so much for the flowers. They are beautiful”.
He wrote back instantly:
“What flowers? I didn’t send you any flowers”!
I wrote back:
“Oh, it was signed anonymous so I figured they were from you. They were white and not roses. I thought you were the only one who knew I hated roses and red flowers. I thought they must be from you. I guess they were from the guy I went out with Saturday night. Sorry”.
He wrote back”
“no problem”
2 days later, yup 2 days, Greg was standing at my apartment door with a huge bouquet of flowers saying he was ready, he was moving in. Typical guy, right? The minute they think they lost something…
So whenever I think about Europe, I think about the horrific breakup. After 12 years we are returning but we are going without the pressure of “what does this trip mean?”, “can we live together?”, etc. We are going as a married couple 12 years later.
Let me tell a little about this trip because I am hoping whoever has been to ANY of these cities will have some awesome recommendations!!! (please comment below).
Here we go…
BWM offers this amazing program to anybody who buys/leases a car from them! You actually save money believe it or not.
Many of the European auto manufacturers have similar programs – Mercedes Benz, Audi, Porsche, Volvo. Over the years, these companies have found that this type of buying experience is a powerful marketing tool.
So it’s not just a different way to take delivery of your new car, for BMW in particular it is a powerful incentive program.
Using these incentives, I believe we save somewhere around 15% off the sticker price of the car.
Combining European Delivery with leasing is even more dramatic, reducing the depreciation amount (the part of the car you actually pay for in a lease) over 3 years by nearly 37%!
As much as it is about the money, it is really about the experience. Greg keeps telling me you can’t imagine the roads we will be driving on, the scenery and the fun!
Where are we going?
We fly into Munich, Germany and go to the “Welt”. This is where BMW produces the automobile you may drive at home.
We spend a night in Germany after we pick up Greg’s new car and we set out on some crazy driving roads. I am going to blog this trip (as I am sure there will be some crazy, funny things to discuss) but I just want to give you a run down before we embark!
We head South, drive on something called “The Stelvio Pass” which is named one of the world’s most dangerous roads. I am NOT excited for this! But it looks beautiful!!
and stay in St. Moritz Switzerland for a night. I am excited for that!
We head south again the next day to Lake Como where I am hoping to run into George Clooney. I will keep you posted! (pray for me!)
We are spending 2 nights there and then end our trip in Nice, France where I am would like to also see Monaco, St. Tropez and Cannes. Not sure we will have time to see all three place, but hoping to squeeze in a bottle of Rose and a little bit of sand.
So Happy Anniversary to us! I can’t believe we are leaving Tuesday! Does anybody have any Ambien for the plane? I need about 10 (no really just 2). Also if anyone has been to ANY of those locations, please send me some recommendations! Restaurants, must see places, etc.
P.S – I didn’t tell Greg the truth about the flower story until after we were married (I’m no fool!)

Amy, I’ve been reading most of your Stories since The running of the Jews. I think u are very clever and have a great sense of humor. Today’s I can totally relate to, bring married close to 50 years believe me the dating experience doesn’t change. Kudos to u on everything. Happy Anniversary to u and Greg and enjoy your new car.
Wow, Thanks Alice! That is sooo nice to hear! I really appreciate you taking the time out to comment. So happy you are enjoying it!! Thanks so much again!
Be careful. Read this first. You may want to switch to a C4s http://consumerist.com/2012/04/30/man-sues-bmw-for-his-constant-erection-blaming-seat-design/
Sounds amazing! Cant wait to hear and totally looking into this! Btw-fully sat next to George at dinner in lake como when we were there, staying at villa d’este…beautiful!
Amy – I love your anniversary story! My parents have a similar story. On their first date, while my dad was waiting for my mom a bouquet of flowers were delivered from another boy. My grandfather (who was a vaudeville performer and hilarious) told my dad to sign the card with his name instead and give her the flowers. He did and the rest is history…
Michele – you did? that is so funny! Any great places to eat???
@Julie – Great story!! Love it!
Go to Antibes. It’s more upscale and quaint than Cannes. Milo’s in Antibes had the BEST food!
Lake como was one of the prettiest places I’ve ever been!!!!
Loved this story! This is right up my husband’s alley. I am going to do some research, and maybe surprise him with this BMW vacation someday. Have a wonderful time! Safe travels!
Congrats! And Happy Anniversary! Good to know, we have 2 BMW’s and never knew about this, def thinking about it when we are ready for the next one!! What a cool idea!
Nice and Cannes are beautiful, but you should also go to EZE which is high in the mountains, and there is a beautiful town w/amazing restaurants like “La Provincial” the whole restaurant is made of flowers and the food is great! xoxox