Are you a Juicer?

The first time I ever juiced was almost 6 years ago. I remember everybody talking about this new thing called “THE BLUEPRINT CLEANSE”. A lot of us wanted to get rid of our baby weight and we thought a great jumpstart would be to do this cleanse. A bunch of us ordered it online and a friend of ours picked it up from the city. We all met at some random meeting spot and picked up the cleanse.
The first day was brutal. I was STARVING! I am an eater so drinking juice all day was not easy. The best part of the first day was the Cashew Milk. It is probably one of the best things I have ever had to drink (that doesn’t contain alcohol,lol). The second day got easier and by the third day I was convinced I could live on juicing. The thought of having something “real” to eat was scary. They tell you to gradually add food back over the next few days with steamed veggies, citrus juices and salad. I am going to be straight with you – it works. After cleansing your entire system for three days it is almost impossible to put something processed back in your mouth quickly. It is an amazing way to turn your eating habits around and begin to see what healthy eating “feels” like.
Once and awhile I will do a cleanse to reset my system especially after a vacation or a long holiday weekend of feasting (i.e July 4th). I discovered the “Juice Caboose” in Summit awhile back and have been buying my cleanses from them. The owners are super nice and I am a big fan of supporting local businesses. Plus their juices are terrific.
I heard a rumor a few months ago about a Juicery opening in Millburn! I was so excited, I started to research. It turns out it is true and they are planning to open the week of August 19th. It is called “Green Nectar Juicery”. All the juices are 100% organic, raw, cold-pressed juice extracted with the ultimate Norwalk Hydraulic Press (3-5x nutrients than juices made from other machines). They last up to three days in the refrigerator without any loss of vitamins, trace minerals, enzymes, flavors, or other vital elements. They have 1, 3 or 5 day cleanses available.
I came up with this awesome idea and I am hoping you think it is as incredible as I do: I am going to have a TASTING at my house next Tuesday August 13th between 10:30-11:30am! I think this would be a great way to get everyone local excited PLUS wouldn’t you love to try the juices before you make the trip to the store? The owner, Tara, is amazing!!! What I love most about the Green Nectar Juicery is …. READY….DRUMROLL PLEASE….. THEY HAVE A DELIVERY SERVICE!! Their juices are unlike the ones you have seen because the Green Nectar Juices come in GLASS bottles. When you are finished with the cleanse, rinse them out, place them at your doorstep and someone will swing by to pick up the empties. Don’t you love this? It is like the old school Milkman (btw – I get my milk delivered and can’t wait to discuss that!)
These are all the flavors:
Green Nectar – Kale, Chard, Spinach, Romaine, Cucumber, Celery Parsley, Pear, Lemon, Ginger
Go Green – Spinach, Romaine, Cucumber, Celery, Pear, Lemon
Kale Kong – Kale, Spinach, Romaine, Fennel, Apple, Lemon
Citrus Bliss – Spinach, Chard, Romaine, Celery, Orange
C Well – Carrot, Apple, Ginger
Carrot Top – Carrot, Apple, Kale, Spinach, Celery, Ginger
Try Citrus – Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon
Lemon Kick – Filtered Water, Lemon, Agave Nectar, Cayenne
Beet Poetry – Beet, Carrot, Apple, Kale, Spinach, Cucumber, Parsley, Lemon, Ginger
Cashew Mylk – Cashew, Filtered Water, Agave Nectar, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Sea Salt
Almond Mylk – Almond, Filtered Water, Dates, Vanilla, Sea Salt
Summer Fresh – Watermelon, Mint
Summer Green – Pineapple, Cucumber, Mint, Ginger
I know you want the DL, so here it is:
1 Day Cleanse – $65
3 Day Cleanse – $195
5 Day Cleanse – $325
I usually do the 3 day. I think it is the perfect length of time to reset your system.
The price of a single bottle is $11
They also have monthly packages:
12 bottles: $126
24 bottles: $240
32 bottles: $304
64 bottles: $576
*Free delivery to Millburn, Short Hills, Chatham, Summit, South Orange, West Orange, Maplewood, Livingston, Essex Fells and Montclair. There is a delivery charge to all other towns based on mileage.
Green Nectar Juicery is slated to open the week of August 19th!! Very exciting!
I would love everyone to swing by Tuesday August 13th between 10:30-11:30am. All cleanse and delivery orders placed at the tasting will be 10% off. IF you think you are coming, PLEASE like this posting on FACEBOOK. I MUST have a headcount so I can account for all the juice we need. I am excited for you to meet Tara, the owner of the Juicery and I am also excited to meet my readers who I don’t know yet!!! I am not posting my home address on this article. If you like this on Facebook with the thoughts you are coming, I will message you the info.
Happy Juicing!

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