The Final 5!

The Finals!

I thought long and hard about these questions. There are only five so it should be quite quick. Instead of doing a fill in the blank like last time, since there are only 3 of you, I figured you could handle emailing me the 5 answers.

My email is [email protected]

Here we go….GOOD LUCK! First one to answer all 5 first, wins!

1) Where did people take dance lessons for their Bar/Bat Mitzvah (or other occasions) in town?


2) What Pizza Place was Jerusalem West? (It is rumored if you have a connection you can secretly get a Pizza from their home in town on Friday nights)


3) What was the name of the Livingston Diner before it was the Livingston Diner? (do not call them!)


4) What toy store used to be where Amazing Savings is now?


5) What was the name of the vegetable stand in front of today’s Bel Air Woods? They sometimes had pony rides there.



By the way, in the last post I wrote “Good Luck Girls”! I didn’t mean to write that as we have 2 ladies and a gentleman! So Good Luck Livingstonites!!!



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