Wee Sleep Solutions

Sleep Consultants

I did not know the first thing about having a baby when my son was born.  I was up at all hours of the night doing feedings and I was a sleep deprived mess. Although I knew this was only temporary until I got my son to sleep through the night, I had no idea how to do it.  I read a zillion books about sleep training. I practiced swaddling, nap schedules (after 12 weeks) and bedtime routines. FINALLY at 14 weeks I had a sleeper. In turn I became a much happier, patient mom and wife! I realized how much sleep has an impact on you, your children’s and your spouse’s day to day life.

So many parents are faced with their children’s chronic sleep issues. I hear from friends whose kids sleep in their beds, whose 4,5 6,7,8 year-old kids are up at 3am crying about this or that and I am mind boggled how this happens but insist they call Wee Sleep Solutions.

Wee Sleep Solutions are certified infant and child sleep consultants and moms. They believe that implementing healthy sleep goes beyond “sleep training.” Their philosophy is “One sleep plan does not fit all!” They work to create a sleep plan that fits with each family’s parenting style and philosophy, as well as the individual personality of their child. Wee Sleep Solutions:

• Fosters positive sleep habits using a variety of methods, including non-cry it out solutions
• Provides encouragement, guidance and support throughout the implementation of any sleep plan, and families are given the tools they need to maintain long-term healthy sleep.
• Works with families with children ranging from newborns through elementary school age

Many of the challenges they address are forming healthy sleep associations, establishing developmentally age appropriate naps, transitioning from a crib to a bed, or from a family bed to independent sleep, developing bedtime routines to foster independent sleep and reduce night wakings.

Between the two of them, Wee Sleep Solutions have five children (including twins!). They have a great understanding of the challenges facing the families they help.

There are a ton of parents who feel their children’s sleep problems will magically go away one day. But in reality they are tearing your marriage, you and your children’s well being apart. There is an answer and Wee Sleep Solutions is it! You just have to be willing to make the call.


Joanna Winograd & Lauren Lappen



Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number

(914) 265-6141

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