Let me take a selfie….

Good Morning!  This is the first Saturday I can remember I am not in yoga. Not happy about it but with spring comes biking. Greg is an avid rider so we now have to switch on Saturday who gets to work out. Just sucks because I miss morning yoga with super yoga man, Joey, who I now love.  Okay enough with my sob story.

Just a few thoughts this week

  • The missing Malaysian plane. 20 people from the SAME company, Freescale, were on board the missing plane. Four of the employees were said to be patent holders of a new U.S technology worth millions. There are 5 five patent holders. Four of them on board who were to receive 20% each. Who was the fifth? Lord Jacob Rothschild, who is now the only patent holder by virtue of invested interest into Freescale Semiconductor Ltd. Freescale Semiconductor Ltd. is primarily owned by the Blackstone Group, i.e. Lord Jacob Rothschild, the same group responsible for spraying the highly-toxic Corexit 500A into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico in the months following the BP oil spill.

On September 15, 2006, Freescale agreed to a $17.6 billion buyout by a consortium led by Blackstone Group and its co-investors, Carlyle GroupTPG Capital, and Permira. The buyout offer was accepted on November 13, 2006 following a vote by company shareholders. The purchase, which closed on December 1, 2006, was the largest private buyout of a technology company until the Dell buyout of 2013 and is one of the ten largest buyouts of all time.

 The icing on the cake?  The Rothschild dynasty owns the Malaysian Central Bank which in-turn is heavily invested into the Malaysian government and Malaysian Airlines.

Need I say more?

You can read this article as well if you are interested!!

  • My favorite almond butter in the world is Whole Food’s 365 Creamy Almond Butter. I have been to 3 Whole Food stores and they are all sold out. The COMPANY has a store wide outage. Customer service said they may have discontinued the product. I need to find a way to reinstate it.  Anyone know the situation?365_Almond_butter_creamy-2
  • My new found snack are these Somersaults. I wish I never was introduced to them. I can’t stop eating them. They are death. My friend Jen came up with this clever plan to put 14 aside (the serving size) in a ziplock bag, eat those and hide the bag. That is all well in good but I know where I hid the bag and 14 does not suffice. I have no will power. Help!Somersaults-Sea-Salt-with-snacks
  • Only two more weeks until you can order Farm to Table to your door or CSA, deadline is April 15th. Yes, same day your taxes are due. Just think of all the new fruits and veggies you will have for the summer. I am SO EXCITED!
  • Can we please discuss this song that is on the radio?!?! If you haven’t seen this video, please watch it. I have no words…Even the name of the group “The Chainsmokers”. I just can’t. What is happening to music?! Where is Zeppelin?

Tomorrow is Selfie Sunday, can’t wait to see your selfies!


p.s. who wears cheetah?




Share Your Thoughts

  1. pamb

    So Lord Jacob Rothschild caused the death of hundreds of people so he could get total control… of an app? Oh, and he also controls the Malaysian government and banks? Sounds a bit too ‘the Jews control the world’ conspiracy theory for me. Disappointed to see you promoting this.

    March 29, 2014 • 7:00 pm •
  2. anon

    agree! this blog is full of ignorant thoughts but this one takes the cake.

    March 31, 2014 • 3:14 pm •