3,2,1…Wedded Bliss!

It’s here. The wedding weekend. After the Bachelorette party (remember that, if not you MUST read that blog…WOOHOO!). My brother, after 33 years, is getting married. I never thought I would see this day.Not because he is not marriage material, quite the contrary, I thought he would NEVER settle down. He lives the life, ya know… 5 days at Coachella,
5 days in Cabo for his Bachelor party, he has seen more bands this year than I have in my life.
He just does it right. Anyhoooo, he found this awesome girl who is going to be my sister -in – law in 3 days. I am very excited and very lucky to have someone as amazing as she is in my life. She comes from a big family with A LOT of friends!!! Can you believe there is going to be 500 people at this wedding!!?? That’s right! 500!! I am going to have some blog next week. But I just wanted to give you a heads up why I won’t be writing in the next few days. I am saving it all for next week. But if you follow me on Facebook, I will post lots of pics.
A few funny things about this weekend – I have been asked for MANY months to work for Rodan & Fields. You know the skin care company that owns Proactive(you have seen all the infomercials, right?).
Several of my friends sell their products. I think it’s a great way for stay at home mom’s to make some extra cash. It’s like the present day Mary Kay. So I get this invite from so & so Rodan. They are throwing a dinner party for my brother & soon to be sis in law. At first it didn’t click. I just thought it was nice my sis in law’s parents close friends were throwing this party. AND THEN IT HIT ME! RODAN! LOL! I call my brother, “Is this the Proactive people”? He starts laughing, “YUP”! I am dying… maybe I will have a new job when I get home!
Second – the itinerary. I got one. From Thursday night until Sunday am, there is an event. From the Rodan’s party, to tea at Neiman’s, to the Rehearsal dinner (for 300 people!) to the wedding, to Sunday brunch. I will be a very busy girl. Did I tell you I am bringing my kids? Poor Greg. I guess your brother only gets married once, right? I literally am bringing 30 suitcases. Maybe I will just move to San Fran?
Third – I have to give a speech. Can you imagine that I write a blog and I can’t write a speech? I have literally been sitting in front of the computer for a week trying to write a speech. WTF! 6 hour plane ride – if I can’t think of something witty I have major issues. Maybe the stress of giving a speech to 300 people is freaking me out. Wish me luck!
I am off…. See you all next week!

Have a great time!
Have a safe & great trip.